Wave Tech Centre

As part of the Smart Cities program, Wave Tech Centre enables City teams to explore new and emerging technologies to build new solutions to make life better every day

Wave helps us grow by encouraging pilots and experiments. This builds our understanding of new technologies, guides investment decisions, and helps us adopt innovative solutions. In short, Wave supports The City’s digital transformation.

Let's catch the next Wave together

Wave is committed to driving The City's digital transformation and enhancing the lives of Calgarians through innovative technology. Join us as we ride the next wave of big ideas and explore the unlimited potential of the digital age.

Why do we need a tech centre?

Technologies like artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), automation/robotics, augmented/virtual reality (ARVR), and electrification are rapidly advancing. This rate of change causes uncertainty. Wave provides a safe experimentation space to explore new technologies and inform our investment decisions.

With Wave, we quickly prototype and evaluate civic technology innovation, accelerating our understanding of new technology and its potential applications for municipal services.    

Who will benefit?

Wave is designed for City teams to experiment and rapidly prototype solutions to improve service delivery for Calgarians.  

Wave is more than just a safe place to experiment. We build capabilities with partners like post-secondary institutions, non-profits, and other government agencies to create a research pipeline that addresses municipal technology opportunities.

How we're making Waves

Wave provides technology infrastructure, support and guidance to help improve City service delivery. Wave offers:

  • Cutting-edge technology access

    Wave hosts the latest technologies, including advanced computing resources, IoT devices, and emerging technologies like AR/VR, AI and blockchain.

  • Safe experimental network

    Wave operates off The City network while maintaining a secure network environment. This allows us to test and prototype without risking existing operations. This is crucial for trying new ideas without compromising security or integrity.

  • High speed internet and cloud services

    Wave has access to high-speed internet and various cloud services. This allows for rapid prototyping and testing of applications like AI and VR that need a lot of computing power to handle large amounts of data.

  • Collaboration opportunities

    People and ideas meet at Wave. The Smart Cities team helps facilitate partnerships and collaborations, including connecting with academic researchers, technology startups, and other businesses that can add value and offer new insights.

  • Tailored workshops and training

    Wave offers specialized training sessions, workshops, and seminars on the latest technology trends in smart city development. This helps us stay nimble and adaptable to address disruptive technologies.

  • Demonstration and pilot project opportunities

    Wave is the place to showcase our emerging technologies and solutions. It helps City teams test their ideas and share lessons learned from pilot projects or demonstrations.

  • Flexible space and resources

    Wave is designed to meet various needs, including event hosting. It features a virtual reality immersion room, workstations, and lab workspaces for hardware development and testing.

  • Modernizing processes

    The Smart Cities team works with internal partners like Supply, Law, and Audit to ensure processes support rapid prototyping and experimentation so City teams can achieve positive results faster.


PrairiesCan has generously supported Wave through the Regional Innovation Ecosystems program.

PrairiesCan logo

Platform Calgary hosts the Wave Platform Campus and helps raise awareness of how The City of Calgary can collaborate with industry for innovation.

Frequently asked questions

Where is Wave located?

Wave Tech Centre is located on the main floor of the Andrew Davison Building at 133 6 Avenue S.E.

Who can use Wave facilities?

City teams can use Wave to experiment and rapidly prototype solutions to improve service delivery.  We work with post-secondary institutions, non-profits, and other government agencies to create a research pipeline that tackles municipal technology needs.

Wave is a valuable addition to our Living Labs infrastructure inventory, a place where businesses and academia can test their products and ideas in a real world environment. Wave provides easy access to over 7000 square feet of hyper-connected experimental space in the heart of downtown Calgary. 

How do I stay up to date with upcoming events or workshops at Wave?

Check back on this web page or contact our team at wave@calgary.ca
