Flag raising application

The City may fly flags on a temporary basis to mark special and ceremonial occasions:
- Flags of charitable or non-profit organizations: to celebrate a special occasion or achievement in Calgary.
- Flags of nations: in recognition of Calgary's ethnic and cultural diversity, The City will fly the flag of a nation on its national day.
Refer to the Flag Council Policy CP2016-07 for eligibility, criteria and exceptions.
Flag raisings for these occasions take place on the courtesy flagpole on the Municipal Plaza. Flags are flown for one day from sunrise to sunset.
The City may need to cancel a flag raising due to unforeseen circumstances (i.e. flags at Municipal Complex are at half-mast for a solemn occasion). Where possible, other arrangements will be made for the scheduled flag raising.
Applications must be received at least 4 weeks in advance of the requested date. Requests will be acknowledged, but not approved earlier than 3 months prior to the flag raising date. Applications may be submitted up to one year prior to the date of the flag raising.
Flag requirements
Requesting organizations are required to supply the flag. It must be in excellent condition and conform to proper guidelines:
- Flag should be 3' x 6' (0.90m x 1.80m).
- Please ensure the flag has grommets or a rope attached.
The requestor will be provided with the location for the flag to be delivered and picked up.
Flag raising application
Ceremonies that include flag raisings
If a flag raising is requested as part of a larger ceremony to be held at the Municipal Complex, applicants are responsible for booking the Municipal Complex Plaza in a separate request.
For more information about civic recognition and protocol at The City, email protocol@calgary.ca or call 403-988-5588. Office hours are Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.