Meeting room rental terms and conditions
Our rental terms and conditions apply to all meeting room users. You’ll be asked to accept them during the applications process.
Personal information
We use your information only to contact you about your meeting room rental as required. The City collects personal information through the rental application process under authority of the:
- Facility Booking Policy and Procedure
- Facility Use Agreement
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, section 33(c).
Facility Bookings hours and contact details
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Phone 403-268-3800, or Email
Payment terms and options
Meeting rooms are rented on an hourly basis for $25.00/hr.
Prices include GST.
A $5.75 risk management fee is applied to each permit.
Payment is due once we confirm your meeting room is booked. We accept:
- Credit cards
Visa, MasterCard and American Express. - Debit cards or cash
- Cheques
Cheques are payable to The City of Calgary.
Pay in Person at:
Southland Leisure Centre - 2000 Southland Drive S.W.
Village Square Leisure Centre - 2623 56 Street N.E.
Pay by Phone: 403-268-3800
Pay by Mail:
City of Calgary Recreation
Booking & Registration Client Support #68
Post office Box 2100 Stn. M
Calgary, AB, T2P2M5
Rental cancellations and changes
We'll refund a cancelled booking when notified at least 30 days before the rental date. A $10.50 administration fee applies to all cancellations.
Note: Rental fees are not refunded for cancelled bookings scheduled between April 1 and August 31.
A $10.50 administration fee also applies to changing a rental permit. The fee covers up to 10 changes per permit, per change submission. Submit cancellations or changes to Facility Bookings:
- Phone 403-268-3800
- Email facility booking
- Online using your Barcode and Account PIN