Do I need a special event, tournament or day camp booking?

If you are planning to have any of the following as part of your event, please visit Planning a festival or event with The City to learn more about your next steps. 

  • Alcohol sales or service*
  • Fireworks or other pyrotechnics displays
  • Stages and or tents with a total combined area of 600 square feet or more
  • Utilizing roadways or sidewalks

*If you are only planning to have alcohol sales or service as part of your event from the above list and are planning to have your event at Shouldice Athletic Park, please continue your booking request here. 

Do you plan to have any of the following as part of your event?

If yes, please continue to review and follow the information on this page. 

  • Additional bleachers
  • BBQ(s) (propane only)
  • Electrical hookup or generator(s)
  • Filming and/or photography
  • Food sales/service
  • Drone flights
  • Merchandise sales
  • Portisans (portable toilets)
  • Public address (sound) system
  • Stages and/or tents with a total combined area of 599 square feet or less
  • Running a softball tournament with two or more diamonds at the same athletic park
  • Running a day camp program on weekdays prior to 4:00 p.m.

Special event definition

A special event is a one-time event that falls outside the regular season schedule or any event requesting non-standard facility usage. Special events are required to show proof of insurance at the time of application. The insurance must be associated with the organization or individual booking the event.  

Tournament definition

A tournament is a competition that involves a number of teams and games, with the overall tournament winner determined depending on the combined results of these individual or team matches. A tournament takes place outside of regular league play and is specific to a duration of time. Tournaments can utilize single venues or multiple venues based on number of competitors and size of competition. A tournament must be scheduled over consecutive days, which will result in a title winner.

Rates, fees & payment terms

Prices include GST.

A $5.75 risk management fee is applied to each permit.

Once your application is submitted, we will ensure that all required time(s) for your special event, tournament or day camp is tentatively booked. A non-refundable Special Event Admin Fee of $26.25 is due before your application is sent to the Athletic Park complex for review.

If your special event, tournament or day camp booking is approved, you will receive a copy of the approved booking and the invoice for your event. Payment terms are:

  • 25% non-refundable payment will be due seven (7) days after you receive your approved booking.
  • Remaining balance will be due 30 days before the first day of your event. 

Please note: If your event is within the next 30 days the full balance will be due seven (7) days and is non-refundable. 

Administrative fees

Admin fees Cost

Special Event Admin Fee (non-refundable)


Special Event & Tournament Damage Deposit

Mandatory for all new events and past events with a history of facility damage. 


Additional staff per person


Facility fees

Athletic park standard rates

2025 rental rates

Prices include GST.

Field/diamond description Adult rate Minor rate

"A" CLASSIFICATION - Foothills Stadium

Staff onsite and amenities such as washrooms, lights, change rooms and possibly concessions. Higher standard of facility and playing surface. Field maintenance increases based on use and type of event. 




Most of athletic park fields may have staff and/or amenities such as seating, lights, change rooms, washrooms (some portable) and concessions. Higher level of maintenance; grass cutting, dragging of diamonds, shale infield, bases and corner soccer flags supplied.




Pop Davies, Woodbine, Optimist #13. No staff onsite, limited amenities and reduced levels of turf management.



Track & field Criteria Rates


General Public


Track practice

Calgary Senior High School Athletics, School Groups & Calgary Track Council


Track meet

Note: Track meets require Special Event Approval. You can learn more on Athletic park tournament/special event rentals

Calgary Senior High School Athletics, School Groups & Calgary Track Council


McMahon Stadium rentals Rates





Locker rooms


Artificial Turf Fields - Shouldice, Ernest Manning and Calgary Soccer Centre Rates





Velodrome at Glenmore Athletic Park Rates



Ball tournaments on B & C class diamonds

Baseball, softball/slo-pitch or fastball tournaments with two (2) or more diamonds booked at the same athletic park for similar times over consecutive days qualify. 

Age group Cost





Calgary Soccer Centre indoor boarded fields

Valid for bookings with a minimum of 20 hours booked for at least three (3) consecutive days.

Booking season Adult/minor cost

Fall/winter (Oct. 1 - March 31)


Spring/summer (April 1 - Sep. 30)


Booking schedule

A minimum of 30 days notice is required for all special events, tournament or day camp bookings.

All tournaments and special events require an application annually.

Bookings for renewal tournaments/special events are given priority, followed by new special event requests received before the new tournament/special event application priority deadline. Applications received after the priority deadline will be held until all renewal bookings have been completed and then processed if the time is still available. 

Outdoor fields (year-round) and indoor fields (Oct. 1 - March 31):

Dates Renewals New requests

Dec. 2, 2024

Tournament/special event applications are due. 

New tournament/special event applications due.

Week of Dec. 9, 2024

Tournament/special event tentative renewal booking information sent.


Jan. 13, 2025

25% non-refundable payment for tournament/special event renewals due.




25% non-refundable payment due 7 days after new requests are approved

Week of Jan. 13, 2025

Renewal bookings sent.


Feb. 11, 2025

Renewal booking cancellations or reductions in time due without a fee.

Requests for additional time cannot be submitted until Public Day.


Feb. 19, 2025

Public Day – Application Only

New booking requests  can be submitted by application only starting at 8:30 a.m. Applications received before 8:30 a.m. will be closed without processing. 

Indoor fields: October 1 - March 31

Dates Renewals New requests

June 2, 2025

Tournament/special event applications are due. 

New tournament/special event applications due. 

Week of June 9, 2025

Tournament/special event tentative renewal booking information sent.


July 7, 2025

25% non-refundable payment for tournament/special event renewals due.

25% non-refundable payment for tournament/special event renewals due.

Week of July 7, 2025

Renewal bookings sent


Aug. 6, 2025

Renewal booking cancellations or reductions in time due without a fee.

Requests for additional time cannot be submitted until Public Day.


Aug. 14, 2025

Public Day – Application Only

New booking requests can be submitted by application only starting at 8:30 a.m. Applications received before 8:30 a.m. will be closed without processing. 

Renewal rights

A new application is required annually to confirm your organization's intent to run your event.

Athletic park special event, tournament or day camp bookings that run at the same location at the same time of year for two consecutive years are eligible for a simplified application approval process. Complete event walkthroughs and damage deposits may not be required for renewal events. 

Apply for your booking

Once you have reviewed all the above information you can apply for your event. When applying, you must attach the below items to your application. 

  • Detailed site map or plan
  • Proof of $2 million liability insurance

A minimum of 30 days notice is required for all special events, tournament or day camp bookings.
