City service value and continuous improvements
We understand the important role City services play in the lives of Calgarians. Whether you’re hopping on the bus, filling a glass of water or getting help from a first responder, City employees deliver services like these every day to enhance our quality of life. With your input in mind, we’re always looking to better understand the needs and perceptions of Calgarians so we can identify ways to improve our services while remaining fiscally responsible. Together, we’ve made Calgary one of the most livable cities over the past decade.
Discover more about the services and the dedicated individuals who work behind the scenes to make life better every day.
Service improvements
The City is always looking to modernize our services. We want to find more efficient and effective ways to meet the ever-changing needs of Calgarians. We're delivering more for Calgarians by:
- Adopting innovative technologies;
- Exploring opportunities; and,
- Finding service delivery efficiencies.
Below are some recent examples of improvements we’ve made. You can also view our annual performance report to learn more about how we’re delivering on Council’s approved service plans and budgets.
Alongside the start of the current business cycle (2023 – 2026), The City launched a new service improvement program. It will build on the successes of previous efficiency and effectiveness initiatives. It is designed to realize benefits such as:
- Modernization of service delivery and increased citizen satisfaction
- Increased efficiency and productivity
- Cost savings and avoidance
The program offers a standardized approach for service improvement. It guides the diagnosis and correction of operational gaps, while providing consistent language, training, and capacity building for City employees. The program makes improved service delivery part of our day-to-day mindset.

We issued our first Municipal Bond in 2024. This will secure lower interest rates for future capital projects and provide greater value to Calgarians. Over the next 10 years, up to an estimated $175 million in interest could be avoided. This is based on expected borrowing and market conditions. Reducing City costs helps keep Calgary affordable. It also enables more investments in capital infrastructure for Calgarians, local businesses and the community.
The Smart Calgary strategy provides the vision to ensure The City is positioned to adapt to future technology needs of the community. Our smart city approach leverages innovation, data and connected technology to improve quality of life through
- Increased connectivity,
- Expedited technological innovation,
- Improved service delivery,
- Increased efficiency,
- Social innovation, and
- More economic development opportunities.
Read about our Smart stories and how they are improving community life.

We aim to advance the shift of 311 services online. We deployed an online self-serve booking option for fingerprinting. It has provided greater accessibility to customers requiring the service. 3,300 bookings have been completed online, freeing 311 agents to continue to provide information to Calgarians. This work is part of a larger initiative focused on cost reduction strategies. We aim to bring more 311 services to online channels, while maintaining telephone service as a means for reliable two-way, real-time information sharing and dialogue with customers. Over 80 per cent of the 311 service request volume submitted annually now has a digital self-serve option.
Improvements to online applications for business licences allow customers to self-serve for the entire process. Assistance is provided through the Business Experience Improvement Program. Business Approvals file managers help people through the process of applying for and receiving a business license.

The Business Licence Map is an online self-serve business licence mapping tool. It helps citizens and business owners locate active business licences near their current location or within a community. It also allows users to search by specific licence types.
We implemented the Single Inspection Booking (SIB) system. It allows customers to self-serve and book their inspection in-person or via video. Remote, virtual inspections serve to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as the inspector does not need to drive to a location. SIB and Remote Video Inspections (RVIs) also reduce paper and the need to print permits. This initiative supports our collaboration with the Province of Alberta to manage risk and keep Calgarians safe.

We work with City partners to improve safety on transit. This includes increased patrols by Peace Officers, transit station security guards, Calgary Transit Ambassador teams. We are increasing CCTV surveillance, and adding lighting upgrades, a dedicated Transit Watch service, and a Community Outreach Team to support vulnerable individuals and enhance public safety.
We are moving to a more cohesive and collaborative approach that enhances connections among subject matter experts. This improved approach enables a more effective and coordinated response to incidents. It also enhances The City’s ability to swiftly address cyber threats and mitigate their impact on services.