Construction drawings
Construction drawings - minor revisions
Please see the Guide to construction drawings - minor revisions.
Construction drawings - minor revisions
Construction drawings – minor revisions (CD-MR) is a Water resources-only process, developed to coordinate efforts within internal approving business units.
The minor revision (in field) process does not fulfill the formal CCC requirement, where a full set of drawings set is required. Instead, it ensures all information required for fulfillment is captured. For an application to be considered minor:
It must only affect Water resources, i.e., one business unit.
If the change requires a revision to the subdivision stormwater management report, it will not be considered minor.
Design changes to construction cannot be outside the construction boundary.
To be considered minor, all changes must be within the established construction boundary.
Line assignment change(s) are not a minor revision.
Minor changes should not contravene any design guidelines or specifications.
Topics on this page:
What to Submit
- Checklist #1: Construction drawings checklist
- Checklist #2: Revised final construction drawings
- Checklist #3: User manual for water balance spreadsheet
- Spreadsheet #1: Water balance spreadsheet
How to Submit
Construction drawings and Construction drawing minor revisions (CD-MR) are submitted electronically via ApplyCentral or at
The electronic submissions must include all necessary information and attachments for review. Incomplete submissions will be rejected. Partial applications will not be accepted.
Method 1
You can visit ApplyCentral, and log in with your myID account to start your CD-MR application.

Method 2
Alternatively, apply by visiting Once there, locate and click on the Construction drawing tile. You will then be prompted to log in or Signup to MyID, our secure authentication platform.
If you don't have a myID account, you'll need to sign up for one. For more information, please visit