Temporary structures for outdoor events

Learn more about temporary tents, canopies, stages and bleachers for events, special functions and the film industry.

What is a special function or event?

A special function or event can be, but isn’t limited to:

  • Weddings
  • Sporting events
  • Charity runs and walks
  • Music performances
  • Street festivals
  • Parades
  • Block parties
  • Film industry productions

Special functions and events are all subject to applicable safety regulations, bylaw rules and licensing requirements. These are intended to help keep everyone safe and ensure they are run responsibly and are respectful of neighbours. The information below will help you determine if you need a development permit, building permit or trade permits for your next event.

If you are hosting a small gathering at your home, typically you will not need any permits from The City.  

Before you apply

Before you apply for permits, decide if your event will have a tent, canopy, stage and/or bleachers. If you will have any of these at your event, review the information below to determine what permits you will need. You will also find information about what you need to include in your application for a faster review process.

The size and complexity of your event will affect how long it takes to review and approve your permits. This can take several weeks or months. Be sure to submit your application well before your event.

Do you need a building permit?

Building safety approval (building permit)

A public event with groups or clusters of temporary tents or canopies are divided into three tiers. Each tier has different requirements and will determine if you need a building permit. The three tiers are:

  • Tier 1: multiple clusters of tents or canopies, and each cluster or tent is no bigger than 60 sq. m, and they meet the Tier 1 building code requirements, you don't need a building permit.
  • Tier 2: Multiple clusters of tents or canopies, and each cluster or tent is between 60 sq. m to 120 sq. m will need a building permit. If each tent or cluster of tents meets the Tier 2 building code requirements, they are eligible for a quick release building permit.
  • Tier 3: Multiple clusters of canopies and tents which cumulatively exceed 120 sq. m require a building permit.

Refer to building advisory B19-008: temporary outdoor tents and canopies for detailed information about the building code requirements for temporary tents and canopies.

Regardless of whether your event needs a building permit or not, you still need to check if you need a development permit.

What other permits do you need?

Some events will need more than a building permit. The information below outlines some of the other permits you may need for your event.

Planning approval (development permit)

We review all temporary tent or canopy applications to ensure they meet the Land Use Bylaw rules and have appropriate Planning approval. An approved development permit gives you Planning approval. You should apply for a development permit before applying for a building permit, as they take longer to review. If you’ve already applied for your building permit and your proposed event does not meet the Land Use Bylaw rules, then your building permit will remain on hold until your development permit has been approved.

Make sure that you submit your development permit application three to four months before your event date to ensure you have all the required permits in place.

For more information on development permits, read the Land use Bylaw section below.

If you are unsure if you need a development permit, contact the Planning Services Centre.

Trade permits

Trade permits are for skilled trades, like gas or electrical work. Some events will need a gas or electrical permit. See the Building code requirements section below for more information on when you need to apply for one.

 Only the appropriate trade contractor can apply for trade permits. Read more about hiring a contractor.

Business licence

If you’re hosting an event on the property associated with your business, your  existing licence automatically extends to that event.  

If you have a business licence and you’re hosting your event elsewhere, you will need a new business license for activities that require a licence and are located on a different property.

Food, liquor or cannabis service licences

Food vendors that participate in City-approved events and festivals on City roadways, pathways or parks do not require a City of Calgary business licence. You can find more information on our Food and vendor requirements page online. If you are operating or organizing a mobile food vending unit at an event, you may require approval through Alberta Health Services. See their special events - organizer package for more information.​​

To sell or provide liquor at a private event, you may require a special events licence through Alberta Gaming & Liquor Commission.

To have a designated cannabis consumption area on site an application with AGLC must be made 60 days prior to the event. 

If you are operating or organizing a mobile food vending unit at an event, you may require approval through Alberta Health Services. See the special events - organizer package.

Other common event permits

For all the permits listed below, please apply for them as soon as possible. This will help make sure you have them approved before your event date. 

Permit type​ Event details Contact ​Additional information

Special event permit

If your event is in:

  • a high-rise office building used for public assembly
  • a building not classified for public assembly where you expect 50+ people
  • an arena or stadium parking lot
  • a sports arena being used for a concert or other event
  • a tent for public assembly
  • a building other than a public-assembly building classified for the purpose being used (concert, staged performance)
  • a public assembly or mall, displaying vehicles
  • a public area where the use temporarily changes (i.e. street fair, block party, park, etc.)
  • an outdoor location that requires fencing
  • a tent or air-supported temporary membrane structure over 300 square feet

Or, if your event includes:

  • fireworks, model rockets, laser displays, special effects or promotional displays
  • candles or open flames
  • special amusement (e.g. haunted house)
  • straw bales
  • indoor cooking

Calgary Fire Department


Special event fire codes

Please see indoor special event requirements for information about:

  • occupant loads
  • floor/area layout
  • fire and life-safety inspection

Building owner responsibilities for fire safety equipment If your application is for fireworks or a special effects display, a copy of the pyrotechnic license and insurance certificate must accompany your submission.

Noise exe​​mption permit

Required if your event is a major public event or music festival that will likely exceed permitted noise levels.

Private functions are not eligible.

Contact 311 or apply online

Bylaws related to noise

Noise exemption permit

Requires a minimum seven-day lead time.

No associated fee.

Road permits

Banners over roadways

Block parties


Mobile community signs

Road permits

Contact 311 or apply online

​​Roadway banners must promote non-profit, charitable causes or a public event.

Requires a minimum four-week lead time.

Block party permits require a minimum three-week lead time. A petition must be signed by all residents.

The Bleacher application deadline is 90 days prior to the event.

Mobile community signs are for promoting community events and meetings.

Fees vary for each permit.

Street use permit

If your event is for filming.

Road permits

Issued at the discretion of the traffic engineer. Fees vary.

Temporary no-parking ban

Contact 311 or apply online

Used in conjunction with a street use permit.

Planning an event? Get the right permits.

Planning an event in Calgary? Learn more about the permits you might need to have to host an event that is safe for staff, volunteers and attendees. We'll walk you through when you'll need a development permit and/or a building permit.


How much will the permits cost?

Building and trade permits:

Building safety approval - building permit, trade permits Fee schedule Permit fee

Special event

Building and trade permit fee schedule

Use the building permit fee calculator to estimate your fees

Electrical permit

Building  and trade permit fee schedule

Use the trade permit fee calculator to estimate your fees

Gas permit

Building and trade permit fee schedule

Use the trade permit fee calculator to estimate your fees

Development permits:

Planning approval - development permit (if applicable) Fee schedule Permit fee Advertising fee Development completion inspection Total

Special event

Planning applications fee schedule





How do you pay for a permit?

Online submissions

For online submissions with large permit costs, there is a deposit process in place that limits the amount paid online. 

Permit fees under $10,000

Permit fees under $10,000 must be paid in full when submitting your application.

Please note: the full payment of the remaining permit fees is required before the issuance of the partial or full permit. To pay the remaining total, please choose one of the payment methods listed below and reference your permit number.

Payment method Our process

By credit card

Payments can be made via credit card over the phone.

To make payment by credit card over the phone, please call 403-268-5311.

By cheque

Cheques can be made payable to: "The City of Calgary". Cheques can be mailed in using the mailing address below: The City of Calgary  Attention: Planning Cashiers - 8108 PO BOX 2100 STN M Calgary, AB  T2P 2M5 

By Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

If you want to pay by Electronic Funds Transfer you will select the payment option upon application. No fees will be processed at the time of the application intake. The Planning cash office will contact you the next business day and provide you with instructions to complete the EFT payment.

In-person submissions

When submitting your application in person, payment is due upon the time of submission. In-person payment methods are listed below. When you apply for your permit in person you must pay 100% of the permit fees up front.  

Payment method

By Credit/Debit Card

Payment can be made via credit and debit card at the time of submission of your application. All major credit card types are accepted.

By Cheque

Cheques can be made payable to: “The City of Calgary”. Cheques can be mailed in using the mailing address below: The City of Calgary  Attention: Planning Cashiers - 8108  PO BOX 2100 STN M Calgary, AB  T2P 2M5 


Payment by cash is only accepted in-person. Cash payment will not be accepted if sent via mail. 

How long will it take to get a permit?

To avoid delays, make sure your application includes all the required documents, plans and information listed on the checklist.

Permit type Our process Timeline

Building permit: Tier 1 – tents and canopies

No permit required.

No inspection required. 

0 days.

Building permit: Tier 2 – tents and canopies

Application is reviewed to ensure it matches the approved development permit and reviewed for safety codes compliance.

A site inspection is required.

May require a development permit.

Approximately 1-2 business days if it qualifies for quick release.  

Building permit: Tier 3 – tents and canopies

Application is reviewed to ensure:

  • it meets the Land Use Bylaw.
  • it does not require a development permit or it matches the approved development permit.
  • it complies with safety codes. 

A site inspection is required.

May require a development permit.

Typically, between 21 and 49 days. 

The timeline may be longer if the application is incomplete or complex.

Development Permit: Special Function – Class 1

60 days to decision + 21 days advertisement/appeal period – Development permit process  


Timelines are subject to change based on circulation requirements.  

12-16 weeks
Development Permit: Special Function – Class 2

60 days to decision + 21 days advertisement/appeal period – Development permit process 


Timelines are subject to change based on circulation requirements


If approved: 1-3 years to commence depending on the type of development permit and land use district 


12-16 weeks

What is professional involvement and do you need it?

Professional involvement is when you hire an architect or structural engineer registered to practice in the Province of Alberta. They will provide you with stamped or sealed plans and schedules if they are required for your permits.

You need to hire a professional when a tent, canopy or a cluster of tents are greater than 300 sq. m in ground cover. 

What are the rules when designing your project?

Where will your event be held?

When you begin planning your event you need to determine where your event will be held. Will it be on public land or on privately owned land? Some rules may depend on the land use district (zone) of the location you have selected. Use the address search below to find the zone for the property where your event will be held.

Events on public land

Special events that take place on public land are managed differently than those on private property. For more information about events on public land, visit  before booking a park, pathway or greenspace and planning festivals and events.

Events on private residential land

Event tents or canopies for private residential properties do not require a building permit as per the Safety Codes Act permit regulation. The City reviews residential tents on a complaints basis and responds to any unsafe conditions.​​

Events on private commercial or industrial land

Special events that take place on private commercial or industrial land may need to apply for development or building permits. This will ensure that the event meets the land use district rules, building code 

Land Use Bylaw information

Development permit

If your event requires a development permit there are two types that you may need: Special Function – Class 1 or Special Function – Class 2. More information on both development permit types is provided below.

If you are having more than one special event this season at the same address (parcel), please allow time between events to completely dismantle the tent and restore the area to its original condition before the next event begins. Otherwise, a development permit may be required.​

Special Function - Class 1

Special Function - Class 1  accommodates educational, social, recreational, sporting and worship events such as weddings, birthdays, trade shows and ceremonies, or allows expansion of the uses already occurring on the property. These functions have a minimal effect on the surrounding neighbourhood. If you do not meet all the Special Function - Class 1 rules, you will require a development permit. View the advisory bulletin.

Class 1 events do not require a development permit provided they meet all  the following rules:

  • Maximum 60 consecutive days; maximum 120 days in a year 
  • Maximum one storey in height for any associated temporary structures, like a tent
  • May be located anywhere on the property, except for within the corner visibility triangle
  • Not located in the floodway*

If you do not meet all the Special Function - Class 1 rules listed above, you will need a development permit. View the advisory bulletin for more information.

*Note: A development permit is required for special functions that take place in the floodway to assess potential safety issues.

Otherwise, a development permit is required.​​

Special Function - Class 2

Special Function - Class 2 accommodates the temporary expansion of a commercial licensed establishment, including a conference and event facility, drinking establishment, restaurant and night club, brewery, winery and distillery. These events may have higher impacts in the community and a development permit is generally required. Review the Special Function - Class 2 rules for an exemption list.

Generally, a development permit is required. However smaller, short term events do not require a development permit provided they meet ALL the following rules:

*Note: A development permit is required for special events that take place in the floodway to assess potential safety issues.

To allow adequate time to resolve any issues that may arise, it is recommended that you apply early, starting with a pre-application meeting. You can apply up to 12 months before your event.​

Contact the Planning Services Centre if you are unsure if a development permit is required.

How to apply

You can apply for your special function development permit on apply.calgary.ca


To avoid delays, make sure your application includes all the required documents, plans and information as indicated on the checklist.

Contact the Planning Services Center to determine the current approved "use" for your proposed address.

National building code information

All events, even those that do not require a building permit,  must comply with the Land Use Bylaw and minimum requirements established in the National Building Code - 2023 Alberta Edition. This including applicable standards for safety of the public and building occupants, health, accessibility, energy, fire, and structural integrity. Businesses are responsible for following the rules and regulations of all applicable governing bodies prior to using the space.

Events must also comply with the Alberta Fire Code also known as the National Fire Code (Alberta Edition). 

According to the National Building Code - 2023 Alberta Edition, structures such as tents, air-supported structures, stages, and other festival-type structures are classified as buildings. Therefore, they are subject to safety regulations and building permit requirements.

Some of the examples are as follows:

  • towers to house speakers and lighting
  • seating
  • dance and viewing platforms
  • roofs, towers and masts
  • marquees
  • decorative items, like archways, signs, and sideshows

Building code requirements

Structures like tents, canopies, stages, bleachers and interactive art installations must meet building code requirements. When you plan on having any of these structures as part of your event, a building permit may be required.

We review building permits to make sure temporary structures meet building code requirements. Through the review process we will work with you to make sure that all your temporary structures are safe for everyone to use.

Tier 1, 2 and 3 tents and canopies must be:

  • Erected and dismantled under the supervision of an experienced, qualified person.
  • Adequately braced, weighted or anchored to the ground as per the manufacturer’s instructions or designed to withstand the elements against collapse or wind uplift.
  • Placed on site with a minimum clearance of 3 m from any building, flammable material or vegetation that may spread fire.
  • Labeled in conformance with CAN/ULC-S109 “Flame Tests of Flame-Resistant Fabrics and Films”, including tarps or any coverings in the area.

Tier 1 and Tier 2 tents must not utilize any open flame device, open flame cooking appliances or gas fired space heaters within. If you plan to use these devices, your tent is considered a Tier 3 tent.
Note: small electrical food warming appliances and small electrical space heaters are permitted.

The occupancy loads for tents and canopies are:

  • Tier 1 – not more than 60 people.
  • Tier 2 – not more than 90 people.
  • Tier 3 – can have more than 90 people.

Read the Temporary outdoor tents and canopies Building Advisory for more information on the safety regulations that temporary tents and canopies are subject to.

Some Tier 3 tents may need gas or electrical permits, in addition to a building permit.

Gas permits are required under the two situations below:

  • A propane container has a capacity of greater than 454 litres water capacity.
  • Containers are manifolded together, and the aggregate capacity exceeds 454 litres water capacity.

An Electrical Permit is required when:

  • Temporary wiring (lighting & power) is attached to the steel structure.
  • An electrical connection is supplied to the structure from a permanent power source.
  • A generator is supplied that is required to be grounded.
  • The steel structure is required to be bonded to ground.
  • Receptables in outdoor or damp locations are required to be protected by a group fault circuit interrupter – including extension cords that might be plugged into a portable generator, portable power distribution equipment or other source.

 Please see –  the Temporary outdoor tents and canopies Building Advisory for additional details about the Building Code requirements listed above. 

How to prepare your application?

1. Prepare the application details

You will need to know:

  • The event address
  • The dates of the event, including set up and take down dates.
  • Who is applying (the contractor, designer, architect, owner, etc.)

2. Prepare the required documents and plans

  • For your development permit application:
  • For your building permit application:

Make sure you include a site plan in your application. Below are samples of what a site plan looks like and some tips on what to include in them. 


If you have any questions about what is needed for your application, please contact the Planning Services Centre.

An incomplete application may result in delays to the review timeline



Tips for a smooth application process

Before you apply

Download the development permit or building permit checklist and check each application requirement as you prepare to submit your application. Items listed on the checklist are the minimum requirements. We might need more information after we review your application.

Provide all required documents on the checklist, including drawings, supporting material, and any additional forms. If you are not sure if something is required, contact the Planning Services Center

Use sample drawings to review what you need to include on your plans.

Double check your documents are completed and make sure you have all required items on your plans before you upload them.

After you apply

The Planning Services Centre may contact you for more information required for your application. Follow-up on requests for more information as quickly as possible. This will help us process your application faster. 

Use the Job Access Code (JAC) to check status updates for your application on calgary.ca/vista

  • You’ll get a JAC by e-mail after you’ve submitted your application. If you did not receive a JAC number, contact the Planning Services Center.
  • Checking your application’s status using your JAC will provide you with timely updates about the status of your application.

What is a complete application?

A complete application means that you have provided all the necessary requirements for our teams to complete their reviews. You provide everything listed on the complete application requirement list, including plans, supporting documents and payment.

An application for a building permit may be refused if the reviewing Safety Codes Officer requests missing or additional information and documents and they aren’t supplied within 90 days of the request. If a permit is considered for refusal, the applicant will be given notification in writing and 30 days to submit missing information. For more information on complete applications, please review building advisory A19-002 building permit complete application.

Where can you apply for your permits?

To apply for a development permit for a special function online, please call 403-268-5343. They will provide you will access to OneDrive to submit your application. 

Apply online

To apply for a building permit online, you need a myID account. Create a myID account.

Apply in person

Drop off your application at:
3rd floor, Municipal Building
800 Macleod Trail SE

After you apply

How to check the status of your permit?

After you submit your development or building permit application online, you will get a confirmation email with a Job Access Code (JAC).

To track your development or building permit application and check its status, enter your Job Access Code in Vista.

If you need help or have questions, contact our Planning Services Centre

What Inspections do you need?

Tier 1

No inspections are required for Tier 1 tents. You are still responsible for ensuring that your tent(s) are safe and meet the National Building Code – 2023 Alberta Edition.

Tier 2

An inspection is required for Tier 2 tents.

You can book an inspection or make changes to it by:

  • Logging into the online Inspections Booking System using your myID or Vista account. You can find your permit using your JAC and adjust your inspection date/time.
  • Calling the Inspections Call Centre at 403-268-5311.

Tier 3

An inspection is required for Tier 3 tents.

You can book an inspection or make changes to it by:

  • Logging into the online Inspections Booking System using your myID or Vista account. You can find your permit using your JAC and adjust your inspection date/time.
  • Calling the Inspections Call Centre at 403-268-5311.

Please note: inspections take place both as part of the building permit and licensing approval process. They also happen proactively during large events like the Calgary Stampede. City Safety Codes Officers may also exercise discretion to conduct additional inspections.

If a fire inspection is required, contact 311 to book it.

After-hours inspections

Inspections booked outside of our normal operating hours will no longer be charged an after-hours inspection fee. This includes inspection after 4 p.m. on weekdays, all day Saturday, Sunday and on holidays.

Applications submitted online will require you to pay the fee up front. This fee will be refunded within two to three business days. 

Inspection information

How do you book your inspections?

Everyone can book inspections online through the inspections booking system.

The inspections booking system provides a streamlined experience for you to better manage your inspections. You can book, reschedule or cancel your inspections through the online tool.

Please note, inspections can be booked up to 10 business days in advance and occur Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. We continue to do our best to accommodate booking requests. Some dates may be unavailable due to inspection capacity.

What to do if you want to make changes?

What happens if you need to extend your permit?

Planning Services Centre

Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (MT)

Live chat:


In person: 
Planning Services Centre,
3rd floor, Municipal building 
800 Macleod Trail SE

Book an eAppointment for in person services at appointment.calgary.ca

​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
