Elections Calgary

Registry and disclosures for third party advertisers

The Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) Part 8 Third Party Advertising requires Elections Calgary to maintain a registry of third party advertisers (TPA) who engage in election advertising.

Every registered third party who advertises during the election advertising period is required to file a contribution statement and an election advertising return to Elections Calgary. These disclosure documents must be received by Elections Calgary on or before March 1 in the year following a general election or 120 days after a by-election.

TPA registry and disclosure content on this website is presented for convenience. Hard copies of all documents, including the advertising return, are available for public viewing in person, by appointment, by contacting Elections Calgary.

For more information about the TPA, contact the TPA directly.

For more information about submitting a complaint about a TPA, see inquiries and compliants.

IMPORTANT: Elections Calgary does not review third party advertiser websites for accuracy or completeness, nor provide any assurances respecting the accuracy, thoroughness or legality of such website content. Elections Calgary is not responsible for the content of third party advertiser websites and reserves the right to remove third party advertiser URLs without notice.

Note: To view third party advertiser website links, turn off ad/pop-up blocker software or copy and paste the website address into your browser.

Registered third party advertisers

collapsed all

Cancelled registrations

Third party advertiser Registration Cancellation Form 28
Calgary Tomorrow May 3, 2021 Feb. 15, 2022

Mar. 1, 2023

Note: Information on this website is provided for reference only. It is not legal advice and should not be relied on as such. All political participants including candidates, local political parties, slates and third party advertisers are subject to further requirements. Political participants should refer to the Local Authorities Election Act and associated regulations and obtain legal advice regarding the full extent of their obligations.
