Contribute to a campaign
Each person is responsible to know if they are an eligible contributor and their contributions limits.
Contributions to a municipal election campaign are not tax deductible.
Who can contribute to a campaign?
The following can contribute to candidates and local political parties:
- Alberta residents
- Alberta trade unions and employee organizations
- Corporations that do business in Alberta and are not otherwise ineligible as a prohibited organization as defined by the LAEA.
Who cannot contribute (list of prohibited organizations)
- A registered charity.
- A municipality.
- A Provincial corporation, including a housing management body created by the Minister, a health agency, regional health authority, and subsidiary health corporation.
- A Métis settlement.
- A board of school trustees.
- A public post-secondary institution.
- An individual who ordinarily lives outside Alberta.
- A trade union or employee organization outside of Alberta.
- A corporation that does not carry out business in Alberta.
- An organization designated by the Lieutenant Governor in Council as a prohibited organization.
What are the contribution limits?
Alberta residents
Maximum amount that an individual can contribute per calendar year of the campaign period:
- $5,000 for council candidates (includes mayor and councillor).
- $5,000 for public school board candidates.
- $5,000 for separate school board candidates.
- $5,000 for local political parties.
Alberta corporations, trade unions and employee organizations
Maximum amount that a corporation, trade union or employee organization can contribute per campaign period (2024 and 2025 combined):
- $5,000 for council candidates (includes mayor and councillor).
- $5,000 for public school board candidates.
- $5,000 for separate school board candidates.
Maximum amount that a corporation, trade union or employee organization can contribute per calendar year of the campaign period:
- $5,000 for local political parties
Contributions to municipal election candidates and local political parties are not tax deductible.
Funds that do not belong to you
You can only contribute your own funds to a candidate or local political party. You cannot contribute funds that have been given to you by another person or organization to give on their behalf.