A safe and healthy workplace
I am responsible for: a safe and healthy workplace
The City cares about your safety and wants you to go home in good physical and mental health at the end of your shift and at the end of your career. Having a physically and psychologically safe work environment is critical to ensuring you are able to meet your obligations and succeed at work. And as an employee, you have a responsibility to report and remain fit for work.
A safe and healthy workplace may look different in an office, the field, your home or in a vehicle, but we all share the same responsibilities to prevent, deal with, and respond to incidents or concerns that could put us or our colleagues at risk of injury or illness. The City is committed to providing a healthy and safe work environment by establishing and maintaining a culture of responsibility and accountability at the individual, leadership and corporate levels.
Safe and healthy behaviours
Get informed and be proactive
- Report hazards and near misses at work to prevent incidents and resolve concerns in a timely manner.
- Watch out for others and speak up if you notice something that does not feel or seem safe.
- Use tools, equipment, personal protective equipment, and other resources following proper safety procedures.
- Make yourself aware of the resources offered by The City to support health concerns (e.g., the Healthy Workplace team in Human Resources and the Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP)).
- Foster a work environment that is psychologically and physically healthy, safe, and free from violence and harassment.
- Support co-workers returning from a leave of absence in their transition back to work.
- Complete and maintain safety training related to your specific work activities.
Setting an example:
- I maintain a good work/life balance by learning about the importance of good nutrition, sleep, exercise, and outdoor activities.
- I know how to perform my job safely.
- I show guests or visitors from other locations where the closest fire exits are in case of an emergency.
- If a colleague asks for help or admits a mistake, I respond with kindness and empathy.
- I always follow safe work practices such as wearing appropriate personal protective equipment, using the right tool for the job, and handling hazardous material properly.

Assume responsibility:
- Be accountable for your actions and assume responsibility for any substance use.
- Show up and remain fit for work.
- Report any suspected distribution, sale, or possession of legal and illegal substances at work.
- Report any safety or security incidents, including threats or acts of violence against people or property.
- Hold a valid provincial driver’s license for the type of City vehicle or equipment you operate.
- Reduce worksite hazards and refuse unsafe work.
Setting an example:
- If I am not fit to do my job, I let my supervisor know immediately so I keep myself, co-workers, citizens, and City resources safe.
- I make sure I am free of cold, flu, or other symptoms before attending a shared workspace.
- If I am feeling overwhelmed or stressed, I get support and implement strategies to cope or seek help to get back on track.
- I inform my leader if I notice damage to my equipment or vehicle.
- I ask my supervisor, the Corporate Health Consultant, or Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP) for help if I’m concerned that my use of Substances is a problem.
- I clear my work areas of obstructions or hazards.
- When I am prescribed medication, I check with my doctor or pharmacist if I can still work safely and effectively while taking it.
- I immediately let my Leader know if I witness an employee or member of the public Threaten a co-worker.
Disrespectful behaviour
Is objectionable or unwelcome conduct with moderate impact, which may or may not have intent to cause harm and has a negative effect on the work environment or individual(s).
Employee & family assistance program (EFAP)
A confidential, no fee, counselling, work-health-life support, advisory, coaching and information service for employees and their families. This service provides mental, social, and financial wellbeing support. Visit calgary.ca/efap or myCity for options to access EFAP online or call 1-877-700-1424.
Fit for work
Is any single significant incident or repeated incidents of objectionable or unwelcome conduct, comment, bullying or action by a person that the person knows, or ought reasonably to know, will or would cause offence or humiliation to an individual and/or a negative effect an individual’s health and safety.
A Leader means a person who is in a position of directing employees and/or work relating to any City Workplace, project, contract, or volunteer operation. They have job titles such as City Manager, General Manager, Director, Chief, Manager, Deputy, Leader, Supervisor, Captain, Team Lead, Superintendent, Foreman, Lead Hand, Coordinator or similar. This includes those temporarily acting in a Leader role or has been delegated a Leader’s duties.
Psychologically healthy and safe workplace
One that promotes employee well-being and actively works to prevent psychological workplace injuries. Psychological workplace injury is a negative emotion or stress reaction following exposure to a single or multiple workplace incident(s) resulting in a medical diagnosis.
A substance is any chemical or biological matter with a particular set of characteristics (including but not limited to alcohol, cannabis, legal/illegal drugs, and medication) that have known mind/mood altering and/or motor function altering effects on the human body.
Whether at a Workplace or work-related, Violence means the Threatened, attempted, or actual conduct of a person that causes or is likely to cause physical or psychological injury or harm, and includes domestic or sexual Violence.
Any location where City work is being or may be conducted including work-based social gatherings. A workplace can include City buildings, vehicles, off-site meetings, customer sites and telework locations.
I always have choices. Which one feels right to me?
A customer is upset about a proposed development in her neighbourhood and seems to hold me responsible. She starts yelling profanities and slamming her fists on the counter. What should I do?
It depends...
Like most situations, how you react depends on where you are and the degree of risk in the situation. In this case, you may try to calm the angry customer down so you can help her. If this doesn’t work, you may need to remove yourself from the situation and get help.
Take threats or acts of violence against people or City property seriously and don’t be afraid to call 9-1-1 if you need to. When the incident is over report it. It’s also a great idea to talk to your leader about how the situation was handled so you can handle it even better next time.
More examples
Substance use
Dear Code of Conduct,
My doctor has prescribed a new medication for a medical condition I have. One of the side effects of this medication is that it makes me feel quite sleepy, especially when I haven’t eaten for a while. As a City Bus Operator, I am required to “be on my toes” and alert while driving a City vehicle in heavy traffic and interacting with citizens using the transit system. Do I need to tell my supervisor every time I’ve taken my meds?
– Sleepy when Hungry
Dear Sleepy when Hungry,
I’m glad you asked – sometimes people think our Substance Use Policy only applies to illicit or illegal drugs but it can be any substance that affects your performance or ability to be safe.
For your protection, and to protect the safety of citizens, City employees must:
- Arrive in a condition fit for work.
- Remain fit for work at all times while on City business.
Inform your supervisor if you know your medication might impair your ability to drive your bus safely and effectively. If you are unsure whether you are fit for work, talk to your supervisor as soon as you can. They will likely contact a Corporate Health Consultant for guidance. If it’s believed to be unsafe for you to work, your supervisor will see if he or she can temporarily accommodate you so you can still work.
In both safety-sensitive and non-safety-sensitive roles, employees who take prescription or over-the-counter medication must advise their leader of any potential side effects that could impact their ability to work safely. You do not need to disclose the actual medication(s) you are taking or why you are taking them
Occupational health & safety
Dear Code of Conduct,
My team leader suggested disabling a safety device (dead man’s switch) to speed up work. I know meeting our timelines is very important but I don’t feel the new process is safe. What should I do?
– Concerned about Safety
Dear Concerned about Safety,
Under provincial Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) legislation, employees have an obligation to refuse unsafe work. Disabling a safety device violates OHS legislation. If at any time you feel that something isn’t safe, you should speak to your leader immediately and/or contact your Safety Advisor immediately. Details of how this process works at The City are set out in our Occupational Health & Safety Policy. Do the right thing - speak up.
Substance use
Dear Code of Conduct,
I am planning to meet up with some friends for a beer before I start my shift. Is that okay?
– Thirsty before Work
Dear Thirsty,
The answer is ‘it depends.’ If you hold a ‘safety-sensitive’ position you cannot be under the influence of alcohol, hallucinogenic or mind-altering substances at work. Even one beer puts you in this category. If you are not in a safety-sensitive position, the answer is different. You may be able to have a beer as long as you are able to report to your shift ‘fit for work.’ Use sound judgment on whether having a drink would affect your work. I would advise you to see if your business unit has any restrictions around the use of alcohol before you schedule the meet up. If you don’t already know, you may want to ask your supervisor if they are aware of a specific rule in your business unit.
Workplace violence
Dear Code of Conduct,
I overheard a co-worker threaten another employee. I have approached the employee to get her to report it but she refused because she’s scared. What should I do?
– Concerned Co-worker
Dear Concerned Co-worker,
If you are concerned for your colleague there are a number of options available to you to communicate this concern. First, consider talking to your leader who may be able to look into the situation further. You can also contact Corporate Security or talk to the HR Business Partner in your business unit.
Learn more
A safe and healthy workplace is supported by the:
Resources supporting a safe and healthy workplace be found in the resource section.
If you are unsure: ask questions and seek guidance
Your leader is there to provide clarity on expectations in the workplace and to support you.
If you are not comfortable speaking to your leader, you can speak with their leader. The Corporate Organizational Chart can help you identify who this is.
The HR Business Partner in your business unit can answer some of your questions or help you find someone who can. If you need to find contact information for your HR Business Partner call: 403-268-5800