Earth Hour Calgary

Earth Hour Calgary

Earth Hour is a worldwide event to continue the conversation about how limiting our energy use can reduce our impact on the environment.

This year, The City is celebrating Earth Hour on March 22, 2025.

The City of Calgary is joining other governments, organizations and citizens around the world in shutting off the lights for Earth Hour from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

All non-essential and decorative lighting will be turned off in the following locations:

  • Ad Valorem Place
  • All fire stations
  • Calgary Public Building
  • Dartmouth Place
  • Inglewood Bird Sanctuary Nature Centre
  • Manchester Centre Building E
  • Ralph Klein Park Environmental Education Centre
  • The Calgary Municipal Building (Historic City Hall, Administration Building, Municipal Building)
  • Water Centre

In addition, The City of Calgary has partnered with Alberta Council for Environmental Education (ACEE) to deliver the EcoSchools Canada program in Calgary. This includes supporting EcoSchools to complete their action of participating in Earth Hour.

For support, see ACEE's FAQs or contact the EcoSchools in Alberta team. Teachers/Administrators can register their school at any time.

Go beyond the hour

Learn about everyday actions we can all take to manage our energy use and take action on climate change. The more actions we all commit to taking, the greater the impact we can have. Collectively, Calgarians are making a difference. Learn more at

Take action with a community group 

Arusha Climate has prepared a Community Association Climate Action Toolkit, to continue the celebration after Earth Hour. Use it to get inspired to take various climate actions with your community.  

Share your actions on social media: #EarthHour #EarthHourYYC

Venue Support Partner

The City’s Nature Challenge

We invite you to take part in the City Nature Challenge. Look for nature in your yard, neighborhoods around the city, and local parks from April 25 - 28, 2025.

Take photos of wild organisms such as plants, fungi, insects, birds, and mammals. Upload your photos to to help showcase Calgary’s biodiversity. 
