Mode share
25 per cent of mode share (trips by foot, bike, or transit)
Needs Improvement
Calgary is currently not on track on its trajectory to have 40 per cent of all trips by walking, wheeling, or transit by 2030. The City is continuing to invest in transit and active mode infrastructure in alignment with the recently approved RouteAhead transit strategy and the Council-approved 5A Network.
Active and shared modes of transportation are an important part of reducing Calgary’s air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Examples include walking, wheeling, and public transit.
The COVID-19 pandemic and related public health restrictions had a significant impact on how Calgarians travelled about the city.
The largest impact was seen in transit where the mode share dropped from eight per cent in 2019 to three per cent in 2020. As public health restrictions eased, ridership on public transit has increased and we expect the mode share to increase over time.
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Everyone can get around in Calgary
Calgary continues to invest in the 5A network (Always Available for All Ages & Abilities), which includes bikeway and pathways systems that run throughout Calgary. It directly supports active transportation such as biking, walking, and wheeling for everyone.
In 2022, there were 1,870 kilometres of trails in the 5A network, with more being added every year. In fact, by The City’s estimate, Calgary has the most extensive urban pathways and bikeway network in North America.
Plans and strategies
Fulfilling the 2023-2026 Climate Implementation Plan
Focus Area: Mobility
Supporting Calgary’s Climate Strategy
Theme: Zero carbon neighborhoods