She Governs: Participating in Municipal Leadership
She Governs is an annual program that offers participants the opportunity to familiarize themselves with Calgary’s municipal government. This includes how council meetings are conducted and what it takes to become a member of council.
Through a Model Council meeting and Speakers' Panel, participants learn more about how local government works and hear perspectives from those serving in local politics.
The annual event also gives students the opportunity to connect with other like-minded individuals who are civically engaged and interested in local issues that affect Calgarians.
The She Governs event is offered in partnership with Equal Voice Calgary.
2025 Program
Model Council
She Governs participants will have the opportunity to participate in a model council. This unique opportunity will help students understand the responsibilities of elected officials at City Hall.
Students attending school in Calgary can apply. 30 young women and gender-diverse youth in grades 9 to 12 will be selected to participate.
These selected participants will assume the role of a Member of Council and have the chance to debate, promote amendments to motions, and vote on motions. Participants will all receive a certificate upon completion of the event.

Speakers' Panel
Following the Model Council, participants will attend a Speakers' Panel to hear the perspectives and experiences of Members of Council.
2025 Registration
Who: Young women and gender diverse youth in grades 9 to 12
Date: Friday, March 21, 2025
Time: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Location: Council Chamber, Municipal Complex, 800 Macleod Trail S.E.
Cost: Free
What past participants say about She Governs

She Governs past participants
"My biggest takeaway was simply understanding and gaining insight on how decisions are made in government."
There’s no linear path to become involved in politics. You could have any kind of background and become involved due to a want to help your community, at any age.
"I loved most getting to spend a morning with other inspiring young women, getting to debate and talk with."
"What I learned was that although women can face tons of struggles when applying to positions of political power, reaching out to their community and connecting is really helpful and important."
About She Governs
In partnership with The City of Calgary, Equal Voice Calgary aims to equip and inspire young women to participate in the political sphere in the years and decades to come.
The She Governs initiative seeks to involve young leaders in Calgary's political process by familiarizing them with the political institutions and those serving them locally.
- Introduce young women leaders and gender diverse youth to municipal politics and governance roles.
- Provide a forum for women members of Council to discuss how they have broken through barriers that women often face in elected politics.
- Provide opportunities for young women leaders to ask questions of political and administrative leadership.
- Create an understanding of the opportunity to influence governance through Boards, Committees, and Commissions and administration’s role in supporting Council’s vision.
- Foster enthusiasm, excitement, and desire for involvement in elected politics.
- Encourage young women to run for office.
Get involved with city government

She Governs past participants
2024 She Governs Speakers' Panel
The 2024 event is over but you can view the recording of the virtual speakers panel discussion.