Get involved with City Hall
There are a number of ways to get involved in City decision-making and to provide your input into decisions that affect you.
1. Participate in public engagement opportunities
There are many ways to get involved in City projects, programs and policies in development. Participate in online surveys and engagements, workshops and open houses within your community.
Engage! - join the conversation and provide feedback on current City projects.
Citizens' View - Participate in surveys, discussions and other activities to help shape City programs and services.
2. Provide your input to Council or a Committee
Provide your input on items or issues being considered by Council by sending your comments to your Ward Councillor. You may also share them with Council or a Committee directly by sending them to the City Clerk or presenting them at a Council or Committee meeting.

3. Join a committee
Get involved in an area of interest by joining a City board, commission or committee.
Boards, Commissions and Committees provide City Council with perspective and recommendations regarding important civic issues. They also play an integral role in bringing together citizens and The City to achieve the common goal of strengthening the community.
Every year, The City of Calgary looks to its citizens to fill volunteer positions on various boards, commissions and committees. The City looks for Calgarians from all walks of life to volunteer.
Boards, commissions and committees FAQ - frequently asked questions on membership and how to apply to become a member.
4. Attend a City Hall 101 session
A City Hall 101 session is an important way in which The City of Calgary provides you the opportunity to learn about the inner workings of our municipal government. The event features a tour of government buildings and an opportunity for you to sit in on a Council meeting live in Council Chamber.
See City Hall 101 to learn more or view the video from a previous City Hall 101 event.