Manufacturing and Production - business licensing
Before you apply
Do you need to register your business?
We encourage all businesses operating in Calgary to register their business with The City of Calgary.
All businesses operating from a location in Calgary are required to obtain location approval for their business, even if a licence is not required. Location approval helps ensure that the space you are operating has been approved for your business and is safe for all occupants.
If your business requires a business licence, registration will occur at the same time as applying for your licence. If you wish to register your business with the City of Calgary, please apply online.
Do you need a business licence?
Businesses that create a tangible product are required to obtain a City of Calgary licence as a manufacturer. No separate licence is required to sell the product that is being manufactured if it is sold on the licensed premises.
MyID business account
If you have a myID business account, you can get a digital copy of your business licence through email.
To learn more and to sign-up, visit myID business account.
Businesses that do require a municipal licence:
- Artists
- Countertop fabricators
- Factories
- Machine shops
- Metal shops
- Industrial design and testing
- Laboratories (non-medical)
- Manufacturing
- Pet food manufacturing
- Chemical manufacturing
- Foundries
- Floral arrangers
- Jewelers
- Machine shops
- Seamstresses and tailors
Businesses that do not require municipal licensing are:
- Denturists
- Web designers

To speed up the business licence approvals process, customers with a myID business account can receive a digital copy of their business licence via email. Customers applying for a new business licence or renewing an existing licence can use this service. To learn more about the benefits of a myID business account, please visit myID business account (
Rules and regulations
Wastewater management
Businesses that produce or process stone, granite, rock and/or tile products must install a pre-treatment system to remove solids from wastewater. Businesses producing metal products must install a recovery or filtering system to remove shavings, grindings, and other harmful contaminants from wastewater.
All devices and systems must be cleaned regularly to prevent:
- clogged pipes
- sewer backups
- water treatment plant issues, and
- harmful particles from entering the sanitary system and environment.
For more information, review the Drainage Bylaw and the Wastewater Bylaw.
Manufacturing guns/ammunition
If your business is manufacturing guns and ammunition, contact the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) at 1-800-731-4000. The chief fire arms officer of Alberta requires proof that a municipal licence has been issued before providing a federal gun dealer's licence.
Gift baskets
A business that makes gift baskets requires a manufacturer licence. If alcohol is to be included in a gift basket, the business must be licensed by AGLC. If the liquor is only being delivered with the gift basket and not sold separately at the place of business, no city licence for alcohol beverage sales or liquor store is required.
If a business is manufacturing clothing and supplying the material, then a manufacturer licence is required. If a customer is supplying the material, and a business only does alterations, no licence is required. A retail dealer licence is required if a business is also selling retail goods along with services.
A welding business from a home or garage needs consultation with a safety codes officer prior to applying for a home occupation permit or business licence. If there is installation services, a contractor licence type is required.
For business licence fees, see the Business Licence Fee Schedule. The business licence fee schedule is broken down by licence type. If your business requires multiple licence types, the highest category fee will be charged.
These fees do not include:
- the costs related to required permits to meet land use approval
- any third-party approvals/inspections that may be required to obtain your licence.
Prepare your application
Once you know how and where your business will operate, you’re ready to apply.
For a smooth application, make sure you know the following information:
- Business Activities
- Location of Business
- Fee payment at the time of application*
- Ownership
- Name of Business
- Contact information for the business and owner
- If you are applying online, a myID account
- Two pieces of government issued identification
- If you have a police check from Police Information Checks
Tips for a smooth application process
Before you apply
Before you apply
- Put together a cost and timeline estimate.
- Confirm the requirements needed to operate from your selected location:
- Is your type of business allowed to operate from your chosen location (is the Use listed in your Land Use District)
- What type of Permits do you need as part of your Location Approval? See location approval.
- Do you need to apply for a development permit or tenancy change as part of your Location Approval?
- Does the space require any upgrades to comply with Building and Fire Codes?
- Are you doing construction yourself or hiring a contractor?
- Do you need to apply for a building permit as part of your Land Use Approval?
- Do you need approval from the property owner before making changes to the space?
- Hire the appropriate contractors for the project.
- Are your contractors licensed
- Can your contractors pull the right trade permits to work on your business?
After you apply
After you apply
- Submit all required documents as soon as you have prepared the permit requirements
- If your Business needs a Development and Building Permit, submit the Development Permit first and wait for a decision prior to submitting your Building Permit
- If your Business needs a Building Permit, submit all necessary Building Permit requirements
- Follow-up on requests for further information
- Book and complete your Inspections if a Building Permit is required
- Book and complete your Health and Fire Inspections once the Building Permit is complete
Need help? A business experience representative can help you determine what approvals you will need. Contact The Planning Services Centre.
Additional information
Obtaining your business licence
A business license will be issued when all outstanding approvals are complete. If you wish to inquire about the status of your licence, please contact the Planning Call Centre at 403-268-5311.
The authorized business licence will be sent to the applicant in the mail. Or if requested, can be held at our permit pick-up counter. When a commercial business is operational, the physical copy of your business licence must be posted in a highly visible location where the public can easily see it.
If you intend to make any changes to your business after receiving your licence, please visit Manage your business for more information.
How long is my licence good for?
Business licences expire one year from the issuance date. Forty-five days before the licence expires, a notice is mailed out advising the licensee of the expiry date. Any outstanding fines must be paid prior to renewal.
Business ownership changes
A business licence or business ID is not transferable from one person to another or from one person's business premises to another.
Multiple premises
A business operating from more than one location requires a separate business licence for each premises.
Licence type combinations
To ensure the proper approvals are generated for a business, multiple licence types may be attached to a single business licence. For example, a cabinet maker would require a manufacturer licence type; if the business is also installing the cabinets, a contractor licence type is required. Both licence types will appear on the same business licence document and only one renewal will be required.
Charitable organization
All charitable organizations must be associated with another licenced business activity. Approval must be granted by the province before applying for a municipal licence.
Businesses not eligible for a charity status:
- Alcohol beverage sales
- Tobacco retailer
All fundraising activity is governed by the charitable fundraising act. Charitable organizations that are only fundraising should contact Service Alberta, Consumer Services at 1-780-427-4088 or 1-877-427-4088.
All applicants for this licence type should first consult with the province about eligibility for this designation and register their business, prior to applying for a municipal business licence. Contact Service Alberta at 1-780-427-4088 (or toll free in Alberta only at 1-877-427-4088) for more information.
Apply for your licence and required permits
To apply online, you need a myID account. Create a myID account.
Apply in person
Once you have gathered all required documents, you can apply for your permit in person by visiting the Planning Services Centre.
After you apply
What approvals do you need?
After you submit your application online, you will get a confirmation email summarizing your application. It will include your Business Identification number (BID) and your next steps. If you do not get this email, check your junk email folder and then contact the Planning Services Center if you still did not receive it.
Once you apply for your business licence, you must complete your outstanding approvals before the business licence is issued.
The approvals you will need for your licence are:
You will be contacted by a file manager to review your application and provide you with next steps.
Licence type | Land use | Police | Fire | AHS / Health | Provincial | AMVIC | ID card |
Manufacturer | |||||||
Food service - premises | |||||||
Contractor | |||||||
Wholesaler | |||||||
Furniture refinishing | |||||||
Secondhand dealer |
If your business requires multiple licence types, approval processes are only generated once per licence. For example, only one fire inspection is required even if multiple licence types require that inspection.
Land use approval
All businesses in Calgary require land use approval. Each space in a building has its own specified, approved use that cannot be changed without an approval, permit or both.
To view the allowable uses within a land use district, refer to the Land Use Bylaw. To determine the land use district of a property, visit myProperty.
You can also refer to Commercial, industrial and mulit-residential for more information. Or, contact our Planning Services Centre at 403-268-5311 to investigate land use approval for your business.
Calgary Police Services approval
This licence type requires police security clearance recommendation.
Effective January 1, 2025, business licence applicants will now be responsible for obtaining and submitting their police security clearance independently through the Calgary Police Services (CPS) online system or through their local police authority within their jurisdiction, if they are not a resident of the City of Calgary. The City of Calgary will no longer facilitate police security clearance on behalf of applicants.
Previously completed police security clearance obtained within 60-days of application will be accepted.
You are required to provide two pieces of valid, government-issued identification, one of which must contain photo identification (ID) for the purpose of verifying the police security clearance.
You can show your ID:
- In person at the Planning Services Centre:
3rd floor
800 Macleod Trail S.E.
Calgary, AB
- By email:
- By fax: 403-537-3034
Please reference your Business ID (BID) in the email or fax.
Please note: for licenses requiring a statutory declaration or a City-issued ID card, proof of identification must be shown in person.
This approval generally takes about two weeks.
Acceptable forms of government issued photo identification include:
- driver’s license
- passport
- Alberta photo identification card (issued through registry offices)
- firearms license
- Nexus card
- permanent resident card
- Secure Certificate of Indian Status card (federally issued)
- aviation document booklet
- certified refugee protection claimant document
(For youth between the ages of 12 to 15 years old who cannot provide any of the listed photo identification options, a student photo ID will be considered).
Acceptable forms of government issued identification include:
- provincial health care card
- birth certificate
- marriage certificate
- immigration documentation (includes valid document issued by Immigration and Citizenship Canada)
- citizenship card
- citizenship certificate
Fire Prevention Bureau approval
Most businesses that operate from commercial premises require an inspection from the Fire Prevention Bureau before the licence can be issued.
If a business licence is for a low fire-risk licence type, it can be issued if only the Fire approval is outstanding. Low fire-risk businesses need to have the fire inspection within 30 days of their licence being issued.
Before you book your inspection, you must be ready for business, which means:
- Applicants must be in possession of the space/site
- The business is ready to serve customers (e.g. shelves are stocked and fixtures are in place)
Business Licence Approval Type | Timeline |
Fire inspection | 5 business days |
To book your inspection contact 311 with your Business Identification (BID) number to request a Fire Inspection for Business Licence (call 403-268-2489 outside of Calgary) .
It can take up to 5 business days for an inspector to visit the space.
See the Fire Department Business Licence Checklist to see what is required for your inspection.
The Fire Prevention Bureau will notify the Licence Division with the results of the inspection.
This inspection must be performed by the Fire Prevention Bureau inspectors. This approval is in addition to any inspection done by the firefighting division, such as the occupancy inspection completed on your building permit.
Alberta Health Services (AHS) approval
An Alberta Health Services (AHS) location inspection is required to ensure public safety. Any business involving the sale, preparation, manufacturing or storage of food products requires this inspection. Any business involved in personal service such as aesthetics or massage is also required to have this inspection. Contact AHS at 1-833-476-4743 for more information and to book a date.
Inspection results can be submitted:
- In person at the Planning Services Centre:
3rd floor, Municipal building, 800 Macleod Trail S.E. - By email:
If AHS advised you that your business type does not require a health inspection, please forward the email confirmation as proof to The City’s Planning Services Centre.
Please be aware of all current provincial public health restrictions for in-person dining.
Business Licence approval type | Timeline |
Alberta Health Services | Contact AHS at 403-943-2288 for timelines |
Provincial licensing approval
Certain business activities require provincial licensing in addition to your municipal business license. These activities have been identified as licence types on the chart above (see required approvals chart).
Contact Service Alberta at 1-780-427-4088 (or toll free in Alberta only at 1-877-427-4088) and provide details of the licence types you are currently applying for with The City of Calgary. Service Alberta will direct you to the appropriate provincial contact which will provide further direction in regard to fulfilling the provincial licensing requirements necessary for obtaining your municipal business licence.
Provincial licenses must be submitted to The City’s licence division to obtain the municipal license.
You can present your provincial licence:
- In person at the Planning Services Centre:
3rd floor
800 Macleod Trail S.E.
Calgary, AB
- By email:
- By fax: 403-537-3034
After you have obtained all your approvals, your Business Licence can be issued to you.
Check the status of your application
After you submit your application online, you will get a confirmation email with a Job Access Code (JAC).
To track your application and check its status, enter your Job Access Code in Vista.
If you need help or have questions, contact our Planning Services Centre.

Get a copy of your licence
As part of The City’s efforts to accelerate the business license approvals process, customers with a myID business account can receive a digital copy of their business licence via email. This is available to customers applying for a new business licence or renewing an existing licence. To learn more about the benefits of a myID business account and to sign-up today, please visit myID business account.
Lost or damaged licences
If your licence is lost or damaged and you require a new copy, duplicate licences can be requested through or by contacting the Planning Services Centre. Customers with a myID business account can now receive a duplicate copy of their business licence via email.
Licence not received in the mail
If you prefer to receive a mailed copy of your business licence, you can select this option by requesting a duplicate copy online or by calling the Planning Services Centre. Paper duplicates are offered free of charge at this time. Please allow about two weeks to receive your licence in the mail. If you have not received it within this timeframe, please contact the Planning Services Centre.
When does your licence expire?
Business licenses expire one year from the issuance date. You’ll get a notice in the mail 45 days before your licence expires to notify you of the expiry date. To renew your licence, see licence renewals.
Renewing your business licence
Your business licence needs to be renewed every year to remain active. We will mail you an invoice 45 days prior to payment being due. How you choose to pay for your renewal will affect when we receive the fee, so please allow sufficient processing time.
Payment options
Online renewal
To renew your licence online, sign into your myID business account and manage your business at
If you do not have a myID business account, you will have to create one first.
Other payment options
Online banking
Please note the following items from your invoice; they are required for online payment:
- Payee: when setting up the payee on your online banking, choose payee CALGARY (CITY OF) - CORPORATE INVOICE. Please note that different banks may have a different variation of the spelling, e.g. Calgary (City): Corporate Invoice. If you are not sure that you selected the correct payee, confirm with the bank.
- Payee account number: some banks or institutions may refer to this as the accounts receivable number (A/R#). Use your customer number on the invoice. If you are unable to find your customer number, contact the Planning Services Centre.
In person
Planning Services Centre
Third floor, Municipal Building
800 Macleod Tr S.E. Calgary, Alberta
Over the phone
To renew your licence over the phone, please call (403) 268-5311. Please note, we only accept credit card as a payment method over the phone.
Mail - please include Business ID
The City of Calgary
Licence Division
PO Box 2100 Station M (#8043)
Calgary, AB T2P 2M5
Home Occupation Class 2 renewals
To renew your Home Occupation Class 2, sign into your myID business account and manage your business online at If you do not have a myID business account, you will have to create one first.
Business licence fees
When setting up a new licence, applicable fees apply. Fees are based on the licence type and whether the business is home-based or commercial-based. Business licence fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Fees are subject to change the next calendar year.
What happens if you don’t renew your licence?
If a licence is not renewed, it will expire. When a licence expires, it cannot be reinstated, and full fees will be charged to apply for a new licence and you will need to obtain all new licence approvals.
Make changes to your business
Business licences are specific to the owner when the business was applied and are non-transferable from one person or entity to another.
You can make some changes to your business, including:
- Moving your Business
- Change your mailing address
- Changing your Trade Name
- Updating your Ownership (sole proprietor or partnership to corporation) * conditions apply
See manage your business for more information.