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Government of Canada’s Single-use Plastic Prohibition Regulations

The Government of Canada

The Government of Canada's approach is to prevent problematic plastics from entering the market through a ban on the manufacture of plastic shopping bags, plastic straws, stir sticks, utensils, foam cups, and other types of plastics that are difficult to recycle.

In November 2023, the Federal Court issued a ruling overturning the federal government’s Ministerial Order designating all plastic manufactured items to be “toxic substances” under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA). This ruling has raised questions about the federal Single-use Plastics Prohibition Regulations; however, the regulations are still in effect.

Businesses who manufacture, distribute, sell, supply or use the six categories of single-use plastic products should continue to comply with the regulations and not make any changes to their existing plans.

Government of Canada Approach – ban in effect Dec 20, 2023

Purpose of policy

Eliminate problematic and hard to recycle plastics.

Shopping bags

Ban on sale and provision of single-use plastic shopping bags.

Foodware accessories (utensils, straws, stir sticks, pre-packaged condiments and napkins)

Ban on sale and provision of single-use plastic utensils, stir sticks and plastic straws (with exemptions.)

Food serviceware

Ban on sale and provision of single-use food serviceware made from: foam, black plastic, PVC and oxo-degradable plastic.

Disposable cups

Ban on sale and provision of single-use foam cups.

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