Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 1 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. Learn more about what you can do during this stage.

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Large citizen value for pennies a day

Large citizen value for pennies a day

Municipal property taxes are the primary way The City delivers services and programs that Calgarians need and value every day.  Several City services, including Public Art, Climate Change, Citizen Engagement & Insights and Walking and wheeling lanes, often makes news but deliver large value for about a cent per day for the typical Calgary household.

We encourage you to learn more about the value these services provide Calgarians and their cost compared with other City services and programs. 

Walking and wheeling lanes

Walking and wheeling lanes provide a fun, healthy, cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to get around – Calgarians can also now use motorized and non-motorized mobility devices (such as non-motorized and motorized scooters, inline skates and skateboards on the downtown cycle track, helping to reduce the overall number of vehicles entering and exiting the downtown core.

Did you know?

Downtown cycle tracks have enabled over 17,000 bicycle trips in and out of the downtown core per day. The City has seen a 40% increase in Calgarians arriving by bicycle since the cycle tracks were installed. The City has over 6.5 kilometres of track.  

Cycling education

Public Art

Credit: Convergence by Laura Haddad and Tom Drugan

Art plays a crucial role in the development of modern, vibrant cities. Public art impacts Calgary’s urban landscape and transforms the way Calgarians see, think, and experience the city around them. Public art benefits the economy, creates jobs and makes our city more attractive, enjoyable and interactive for tourists, residents and businesses. It contributes to our sense of community and improves quality of life.

Did you know?

There are over 1300 pieces in Calgary’s public art collection worth over $25 million. That’s a valuable cultural asset owned by Calgarians. Roughly 80% of the collection was donated to The City by businesses, individuals and charitable organizations. The collection began growing in 1911 and the oldest piece in the collection dates back to 1850.

Since 2004, public art has been funded from The City's capital budget projects over $1 million. Public art budgets are calculated at 1% of the first $50 million of the total eligible capital project costs and 0.5% of the portion over $50 million.

According to Calgary Arts Development, in Alberta, $1 million of investment creates 22 full-time jobs in the arts, recreation and entertainment sectors.

Residential property tax dollars pay for the administration of The City's Public art program.

Go to public art

Climate change

Climate change impacts The City’s public services, infrastructure and communities. The Climate Resilience Strategy: Mitigation and Adaptation Action Plans outline how The City will do its part to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (mitigation) and to measure and plan for the impacts of Calgary's climate hazards (adaptation) such as extreme heat, drought, record-breaking snow and rainfall, floods, and severe hail storms.

Did you Know?

The City is supporting citizens and business to understand how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to prepare for the impacts of a changing climate. The annual Calgary Climate Symposium provided 25 sessions and over 60 presenters this year, with more than 3400 businesses, citizens, and NGOs from Calgary and across Canada attending. Additionally, The City’s Climate-Read Home Guide helps Calgarians better protect their homes and properties from extreme weather and other hazards that are becoming more frequent and severe because of climate change.

Read the annual report

Citizen Engagement & Insights

Citizen Engagement & Insights plans and executes safe, fair, and accessible opportunities for you to provide input on City programs and services.

We collect new and existing data and provide insights into your values, assumptions, beliefs and expectations. This information is used to inform City decision-making, policy creation, mitigates risks, identifies opportunities for continuous improvement, and drives accountability and transparency to you.

Did you know?

Online and distanced engagement during the pandemic has allowed close to 250,000 participants to be involved in over 130 different City engagement activities since March of 2020.

Engage portal

Comparing the typical household annual cost

Below is a comparison of how Bike lanes, Public art, Climate Change and Citizen Engagement & Insights compare to other property tax investments for the typical Calgary household in 2021*.

Get a complete breakdown of how your property tax dollars are invested by visiting our Property Tax calculator
