Welcome to Calgary’s naming and sponsorship gateway

Curious about how public spaces are named or sponsored in Calgary? Find the answers on Calgary's naming and sponsorship portals.

Naming portal

Discover the stories behind the names of Calgary's public spaces and assets and provide your feedback on current naming proposals. If you are an individual or community considering submitting a naming application, you'll also find helpful resources to guide you through the process. 

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Sponsorship portal

Learn about the City's sponsors and explore sponsorship opportunities as a great way for our business partners to make a positive impact, and elevate their brand visibility in the community. 


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What's the difference between naming and sponsorship?

Naming City assets is usually a permanent way to leave a lasting mark, like naming a park after a respected person. It reflects the community's value and history. 

Sponsorship, on the other hand, allows businesses to support City projects and events, showing their committment while promoting their brand. Sponsorship may include naming a City asset after the business, but it is temproary, ususally lasting for a set period of time.

Naming examples

  • Bev Longstaff West Hillhurst Bridge naming

    In 2023, the West Hillhurst community came together to rename a bridge in honor of Councillor Bev Longstaff to celebrate her contributions and commitment to the community.

  • Wally Kozak Arena naming

    In 2022, The City renamed one of the two Village Square Leisure Centre arenas to recognize the lifelong commitment of Wally Kozak, which was to improve participation in hockey for women and girls.

Sponsorship examples

  • TD Free Fare Zone naming sponsorship

    TD Bank’s sponsorship of the TD Free Zone in 2022 helps support the financial operations of Calgary Transit. This sponsorship agreement provides TD Bank a prominent footprint in the downtown core, while bringing in additional, non-fare revenue for Calgary Transit.

  • Cowboys Park naming sponsorship

    In 2024, Cowboys and The City of Calgary entered a ten-year naming sponsorship agreement which will see the park improved with a new event space to boost downtown activity and bring more visitors.
