Casket burials

City of Calgary Cemeteries offer an everlasting tribute to your loved one. Cemeteries provide a final resting place, where family and friends can experience a quiet, peaceful atmosphere for visiting and reflection. We offer a variety of burial interment options that include upright monument or flat marker burial plot.

Explore the options we offer below, then contact us to book an appointment by calling 403-221-3660 or emailing

Where in Calgary are burial plots available?

Although the largest selection is within the new Prairie Sky Cemetery, other City of Calgary cemeteries do have burial lots that become available from time to time in three additional locations: Queen’s Park, St. Mary’s and Union Cemetery.


Choosing a casket burial plot is reflective of cultural, traditional, religious or personal preference. Casket burial plots can be used as a single burial space or for multiple family members. At The City of Calgary cemeteries, each casket burial plot is intended to provide for two casket burials, extra depth and standard depth (one above the other), and multiple cremation burials situated above the casket burials.

Since several interments may occur in the single burial space, each casket burial space allows for either an upright or flat marker monument and a foot maker to ensure the opportunity to memorialize each interment.

In meeting the cultural or religious requirements, concrete vaults or grave liners are not mandatory.

Casket burial plots differ in price depending on the type of memorialization the family chooses.

Below is pricing of common products and services. For a full list of our pricing, visit our price list or contact our office to book an appointment.

Description Price 
Upright monument casket burial plot $4,869.42
Flat marker casket burial plot $3,922.57
Casket interment fee $1,998.52

Mausoleum or lawn crypts

An alternative to ground burial, a crypt is a contained interment space found above-ground. Crypts come in different forms such as lawn crypts, found in a designated garden within the cemetery, or family mausoleum crypt, found in a formal, climate-controlled building with many crypt spaces.

Choosing the type and style of crypt is personal. Many styles are available, but many families choose space within the Queen’s Park Mausoleum.

Below is pricing of common products and services. For a full list of our pricing, visit our price list or contact our office to book an appointment.

Description Price (2025 list price)
Mausoleum single space From $18,914.94 to $44,134.86
Family mausoleum From $31,524.90 to $92,473.04
Crypt entombment fee $1,998.52

Green burial options

A green burial refers to earth-friendly processes and choices involved in the preparation and interment of a body. For example, green burials typically do not involve traditional embalming fluid, which is used to preserve bodies; and green burials discourage use of concrete burial vaults, which are used to house caskets underground.

The intent behind green burials is to be as natural as possible, allowing nature to follow its biological course. There are varying degrees of ‘green’. Burial and interment choices may be a blend of eco-friendly and traditional choices. Ask your funeral director for more information.

Green burial options are available in the new Prairie Sky Cemetery.

Monuments and memorialization

City of Calgary Cemeteries offers a wide selection of timeless monuments to memorialize your loved one including beautifully designed flat markers, pillow markers and upright monuments. We offer an affordable selection of bronze plaques and granite monuments in a variety of colours, shapes and designs that can be tailored to your individual needs.

View our monuments and memorialization options, then book an appointment at the Queen's Park Cemetery Administration Office to choose from our entire selection.

Contact us

For additional information or to book an appointment with our team call or email.




Queens Park office hours:

Monday to Friday
8:00am - 4:30pm

Prairie Sky office hours:

By appointment only
