Cemeteries price list

Learn about the fees for the products and services City of Calgary Cemeteries provides.

Prices subject to change without notice. Prices are subject to GST.


Casket burial lots
Description Price

Upright monument section (includes concrete foundation)

Upright monument section (without concrete foundation)  $4193.12
Estate Lot (Prairie Sky) (side x side upright w/foundation) $10,271.63
Flat marker section $3,922.57
Green Burial - Prairie Sky Cemetery $3,922.57
Field of Honour $1,961.29

Social services adult grave (provincial approval required)


Social services infant grave (provincial approval required)

Infant graves (accommodates up to 4 foot casket/no vault) $1,082.09
Cremated remains burial lots
Description Price
Upright monument section (includes concrete foundation) $3,787.30
Flat marker section $2,705.24

Social services grave (provincial approval required)

Field of Honour $1,352.62
Interment services
Description Price
Cremated Remains ($136.89 for each additional cremated remains) $566.95
Adult casket burial $1,998.52
Child casket burial (over 4, under 8 years) $1,103.79
Child casket burial (over 2, under 4 years) $801.80
Infant burial in infant grave (casket or cremated remains) $309.71
Scattering of Cremated Remains $175.00
Ossuary Entombment $180.00
Cancelled casket interment (after opening performed) $251.65
Cancelled cremation interment (after opening performed) $967.44
Green Burial Trundle (lowering support for shrouds, wicker caskets)       $273.18
Monument fees
Description Price
Monument Permission Fee $215.00
Construction Foundation (upright monuments, select older sections & lots purchased prior to 1999) $586.82
Installation of Flat Marker $425.00
Installation of In ground Vase $128.42
Move Flat Marker (reset flush with ground) $353.00
Move Upright Monument on Existing Ribbon $370.00
Move Upright Monument on Individual Foundation (sold separately) $462.00
Discard Fee (includes disposal of Flat Markers, Foot Stones & Vase Collars) $247.08
Disinterment/Re-interment services
Description Price
Disinterment of Casket ($792.22 for each additional casket) $4,154.11
Disinterment/Re-interment of Casket (same grave) $5,241.93
Disinterment of Urn ($202.16 for each additional urn) $777.55
Disinterment/Re-interment of Urn (same grave) $888.63
Overtime fees, over and above interment services
Description Price
Traditional Casket Burial $1,395.25
Child Burial (over 4, under 8 years) $830.52
Child Burial (over 2, under 4 years) $589.11
Infant Burial (casket or cremated remains) $201.55
Cremated Remains $363.21
Chapel Rental $250.00
Late Fee (each 1/2 hour after 4:30 pm) $221.47
Transfer fees
Description Price
Administration Fee/Transferring Ownership of Burial Lot $275.00
Winter snow removal fee
Description Price
Path opening for burial lot access $155.00

Queen's Park Mausoleum

Mausoleum crypt fees
Description Price
Regular Crypt (1 space) From $18,914.94 to $44,134.86
Side-by-Side Crypt (2 spaces) From $31,524.90 to $92,473.04
Double Couch Crypt (2 spaces) From $70,747.20 to $93,636.00
Westminster Crypt (2 spaces) From $40,000.00 to $64,000.00
Crypt entombment fee $1,998.52

Prices provided show the range pricing only. Please call for availability.

Mausoleum niche fees
Description Price
Closed front (1 space) From $3,951.43 to $8,275.29
Closed front (2 spaces) From $9,655.03 to $17,864.11
Glass front (1 space) From $4,327.75 to $10,344.37
Glass front (2 spaces) From $6,585.70 to $24,136.51
Mausoleum niche entombment fee (2nd) $566.95

Prices provided show the range pricing only and include first entombment. Please call for availability.

Mausoleum disentombment fees
Description Price
Disentombment of Casket (includes replacement sealing door) $7,775.60
Disentombment/Re-entombment of Casket $9,719.42
Disentombment of Urn Glass Front Niche $190.57
Disentombment/Re-entombment of Urn (same niche) $291.58
Opening of Niche for Placement of Personal Items $125.00

Additional cost will be charged if replacement door/shutter is required.

Mausoleum chapel fees
Description Price
Chapel Rental (3 hour rental period) $375.00
Overtime (per hour) $125.00
Weekend Overtime Fee $150.00

Rental subject to availability


Outdoor columbarium
Description Price
Niches Sec P (Field of Honour) C&H up to 2 Urns - Queen's Park  $4,385.96
Historic Niches up to 2 Urns - Union $5,445.05
Niches Sec G up to 2 Urns - Queen's Park $5,445.05
Niches sec G up to 3 Urns - Queen's Park $6,638.13
Seven Graces up to 2 Urns - St. Mary's $4,632.20 to $6,081.16
Seven Graces up to 4 Urns - St. Mary's $10,365.61 to $12,260.40
Promontory Path up to 2 urns – Prairie Sky Cemetery  $4,589.45 to $6,010.00
Promontory Path up to 3 urns – Prairie Sky Cemetery  $7,102.73 to $10,380.91

Note urn size based on single urn dimension approx. 5”w x 9.5”h x 6.5”d.
Note first opening and closing fee included in pricing.

Columbarium fees and services
Description Price
Cremated Remains in Columbarium (second opening/ closing) $566.95
Disentombment of Urn from Niche (see note below) $190.57

Contact us

For additional information or to book an appointment with our team call or email.





Queens Park office hours:

Monday to Friday
8:00am - 4:30pm

Prairie Sky office hours:

By appointment only
