Neighbourhood tree planting in Saddle Ridge

Neighbourhood tree planting in Saddle Ridge

We are establishing a residential public tree-planting initiative in the community of Saddle Ridge. Beginning in mid-September, we will plant 500 container trees on public land.

A healthy tree canopy provides many benefits. Trees provide shade and help cool our environment. They help improve air quality, reduce stormwater runoff, and prevent soil erosion. Trees also support biodiversity and provide positive mental health benefits to citizens. For these reasons, The City is always looking at ways to increase our tree planting to help grow and expand our urban tree canopy. 

Translated versions

Frequently asked questions

Why did I receive a door hanger at my home about this program?

If you received a door hanger at your home, the road right-of-way next to your property has been chosen as one of the 500 locations where we will plant a tree. If you have questions or do not want us to plant a tree, please contact 311 by Sunday, Sept. 1, 2024

Why did you choose Saddle Ridge?

Saddle Ridge is a community that has been identified as having a supply of public (City) land that lies along the front or side edge of a property and is suitable for planting trees. This available land is typically known as the “road right-of-way”.

In determining the pilot community, we looked at communities in the N.E. with lower canopy cover (as we’re working toward a more equitable distribution of trees across Calgary), lower counts of public trees per hectare and space to increase the tree canopy within the road right-of-way.

I do not want a tree planted in the public right-of-way next to my land. Can I request not to get a tree?

Yes, anyone who does not want a tree next to their property can opt out from receiving a tree and we will plant it elsewhere in the community. To opt out, please contact 311 by Sunday, Sept. 1. We will then reassign the tree to another location.

What if citizens did not have a tree planted in the public right-of-way next to their land but would like one?

Citizens who are interested in having a tree planted on their property in the future can contact 311 to let us know. We will use this data to help us determine where and how to expand the program going forward. 

How did you decide where to plant the trees?

When considering where to plant the trees we looked for road right-of-way land that had enough space for a tree to grow, has suitable soil and does not have underground utilities that prevent us from planting. 

How many trees will be planted?

We will be planting 500 container trees. 

When will the trees be planted?

The trees will be planted mid-September. 

How long will this work take?

We are hand-planting the trees and it will take about two hours to plant each tree. 

What work will I see leading up to the planting?

The main work citizens will see leading up to the trees being planted is spray marking for utility line locates, which will take place about two weeks before planting. 

Do I have to take care of the tree?

No, we will take care of planting, adding mulch, pruning and watering the tree. However, if you would like to help us water the tree, we would love your help! 

Reminder: During Stage 4 outdoor water restrictions, you may only water trees using non-potable water (such as rainwater collected in rain barrels or grey water collected at the beginning of showers and baths).

Do you have tips on how to water the tree?

  • If the soil around the tree is wet from recent rain, water is unnecessary for a few days until things dry out.
  • We will provide a watering donut for each tree. Fill the donut/bag once a week; once filled, water will slowly drain out into the soil, targeting water to the roots of the tree, reducing water loss due to evaporation and helping to minimize overwatering.
  • Ensure soil drains and becomes fairly dry between waterings to let it breathe with the atmosphere and restore oxygen.
  • Only water in spring, summer and fall when the ground is not frozen.

Reminder: During Stage 4 outdoor water restrictions, you may only water trees using non-potable water (such as rainwater collected in rain barrels or grey water collected at the beginning of showers and baths).

How else can I help ensure the tree stays healthy?

  • Don’t use weed killer or dump household waste near the tree.
  • Don’t tie or tack anything to the tree.
  • Protect the tree from damage by cars, lawnmowers and weed trimmers.
  • Don’t prune the tree; The City will take care of pruning the tree. 

What can I do if the tree doesn’t seem to be doing well?

If the new tree doesn’t seem to be doing well, please let us know by contacting 311

What is the impact on my community?

Planting time in the community will be minimal and the community will have an additional 500 trees that, when they grow to maturity, will give the benefits of an increased urban tree canopy cover.

Will any parts of my yard be damaged?

No, we will not damage any private property and if homeowners do not want a tree planted in the public right-of-way next to their property, they can opt out from getting a tree by contacting 311 by Sunday, Sept. 1, 2024.
