Former Greyhound Bus Station future use
About the project
Calgary Transit provides safe, accessible, and courteous transportation services 365 days a year, for all Calgarians. They need warehouse and office space close to the 7th Ave LRT corridor and downtown to help improve CTrain system reliability and efficiency.
The former Greyhound Bus Station is a City-owned facility that, if renovated, could offer that space. We are investigating the costs of renovating the building for Calgary Transit and other City use.
In 2010, the West Village Area Redevelopment Plan was approved. This plan provides a vision for Calgary’s West Village area, but it is not ready for implementation. Other infrastructure and facility projects in this area continue, including planning for the Greyhound building.
Project update
Fall 2024 – Summer 2025
We have submitted a Land Use Amendment to allow office spaces on the main floor and to allow the building to be used a municipal works depot.
This application is expected to take up to nine months, with a public hearing at Council in summer 2025.
The benefits for Calgary Transit
Investing in the Greyhound building allows us to use a very unique building – unique because of its size and location, and because it is already owned by The City – to support Calgary Transit services.
This location will provide employees with CTrain track and LRT station access for maintenance, repair, and electrical system work. Relocating to a renovated Greyhound building will allow service groups to work together in the same space improving service and value for Calgarians.
Along with the building renovations, we are assessing potential upgrades to the pedestrian bridge connecting the Greyhound building to the Sunalta LRT Station.
Site overview and location
The site is located at 1660 Ninth Ave. S.W. in Sunalta. The site is 1.4 acres, and the building offers more than 171,000 square feet of interior space for operational space, including industrial storage, offices and meeting rooms.
The main floor space that was formerly used for buses is intended to be repurposed for City vehicles and warehouse space
Stage 1 is complete. We are proceeding with further exploration of the former Greyhound Bus Station site. Options were reviewed for an appropriate site and building that meets The City’s space needs and make recommendations.
- Create a plan to repurpose the building. Determine what work needs to be done and estimated costs.
- Apply for a Land Use Redesignation.
- Develop an estimated budget. and cost-benefit analysis and present to City Council in 2026.
- Hire consultants to produce detailed designs for the renovation.
- Apply for Development permit and Building permit to allow for the renovation.
- Construction is not yet scheduled but is estimated to take up to 18 months.