Traffic safety for pedestrians & motorists
Every day, someone in Calgary is injured or killed on our roads
The City of Calgary, Calgary Police Service, Alberta Health Services , the Alberta Motor Association and other traffic safety partners are working together to reduce the number and severity of pedestrian collisions. Through education, enforcement and engineering strategies, we are striving to improve intersection safety in Calgary. Road safety on Calgary's streets is the shared responsibility of all users of our roadways, pathways and sidewalks. Below you will find some tips for staying safe when travelling around Calgary. Learn more about traffic safety programs and initiatives The City has in an effort to keep Calgarians safe whether they are driving, walking or rolling.
Be aware
Pedestrians need to watch out for people driving who don’t see them or cannot stop in time. If possible, make eye contact with drivers and ensure they have stopped before you step into a crosswalk. Don't assume that because the vehicles in the lane closest to you have stopped that other vehicles will stop too. Continue to watch for vehicles in all directions as you proceed across the street.
Be safe
Though pedestrians do have the right of way at ALL marked and unmarked crosswalks, not all people driving are aware of or choose to follow this rule. As a pedestrian you are still responsible for exercising due care even though you have the right of way and you should make sure that all vehicles have yielded before entering the crosswalk. Help people driving better understand your movements by clearly indicating your intent to cross the street. Try using the Point, Pause Proceed method.
Stay alert
- Be aware of your surroundings;
- Wear bright clothing, reflective gear or use a light, especially while travelling at night;
- Stay off your cell phone, texting can wait;
- Remove your headphones or ear buds;
- Look up and make eye contact with drivers, if possible;
- Clearly indicate your intention to cross the street;
- Continue to watch for traffic in all directions as you cross;
More safety tips
People driving must
- STOP for pedestrians crossing at all marked AND unmarked crosswalks and intersections.
- STAY ALERT and always expect pedestrians at corners and intersections.
- NEVER pass a vehicle at a crosswalk or in a playground zone.
- PARK at least 5m (one car length) away from a crosswalk, intersection or stop sign. Check for stopping or parking restrictions and obey all signage.
- TURN with caution and always watch out for people crossing the street.
People walking must
- ENSURE you are crossing the street safely, at a corner or intersection.
- WATCH OUT for turning vehicles and traffic that may not see you or has not stopped yet.
- MAKE eye contact with drivers, if possible and wave.
- STAY ALERT, do not text or talk on your phone while crossing the street.
- DO NOT jaywalk, or cross the street from between parked vehicles.