Community & educator services
Workshop requests
If you are interested in inviting our staff to facilitate an employment workshop for youth ages 15 - 24 years old please contact Amit Nade at or call the YEC main number at 403-268-2490.
Requests must include the following information:
- Requested dates, times,
- Topic (please pick 1 from the list below)
- Expected number of youth ages 15 - 24 years old
We encourage active participation in workshops and welcome questions from youth. We cannot offer groups customized workshops, at this time.
Current Workshops Offered
- The Youth Employment Centre (YEC) overview: Youth can learn about who the YEC’s services are for, what services are offered, how to access services, and how to prepare for an appointment. This workshop is estimated to take 30 minutes with questions.
- Developing a resume workshop: Youth will learn about what information to include on their resume, the purpose of a resume, how to highlight their relevant experience for a specific job, and how to format their resume. This workshop is based on the wealth of experience and knowledge the team at YEC has working with youth and employers in Calgary. This workshop is a minimum of 1 hour and includes a brief YEC overview.
- Job search workshop: Youth will discuss employment readiness, learn about a variety of job search methods, how to present themselves, and how to complete a job application. This workshop is a minimum of 1 hour and includes a brief YEC overview.
- Preparing for interviews workshop: Youth will learn about the purpose, different types of interviews, how to prepare and learn different strategies for a successful interview. This workshop is a minimum of 1 hour, and includes a brief YEC overview.
YEC attendance at your fair or event

If you are interested in inviting our staff to attend your community event including career/job fairs, trade fairs, community/education fair, volunteer fairs, and any youth event, please contact Amanda Ducheminsky, Community Liaison at 403-703-6934 or call the YEC main number at 403-268-2490.
Tour the YEC

If you have a group of youth between the ages of 15-24 and would like a tour and YEC Overview presentation please contact Amanda Ducheminsky, Community Liaison at 403-703-6934.
or call the YEC main number at 403-268-2490.
Partnership opportunities with YEC
YEC partners with a number of organizations to deliver events and programs for youth. Provide funding, assist with program delivery or offer your professional advice. If you are interested in discussing partnership opportunities with YEC please call 403-268-2490.
Mentoring opportunities
The Alberta Mentoring Partnership is a collective of individuals, agencies, business professionals and governments committed to ensure that every Alberta child or youth who needs a caring mentor will have one.
For more information visit the website at