Snow route parking bans
Snow route locations
Parking ban route lookup
Find out if you're affected by a parking ban: Type your address into the field below, select your address from the list provided, and click Check parking ban.
Address search tips
- Do not include your unit/apartment/suite number when entering your address
- When entering a street number that includes a letter, ensure there in no space between the number and letter (eg. 707 4A ST NW)
- When entering your address, do not use the pound sign (#)
- Please note that the following abbreviations are used in the address list; BV for boulevard, AV for avenue, VW for view.

During a snow route parking ban, parking is temporarily restricted on designated snow routes for up to 72 hours. Blue signs with a white snowflake are posted along snow routes. Watch for these signs in your community, use the address look-up feature above, or check the Snow Route Map to find out if you need to move your vehicle(s) during a snow route parking ban.
How parking bans work
- The decision to call a ban is based on snow accumulation, road temperature, weather forecast and road conditions.
- The City gives advance notice of an upcoming parking ban, typically one to two days prior to the ban going into effect. A banner will also be displayed on webpages.
- The City will also announce when the parking ban goes into effect and when it is lifted.
- Parking bans typically begin 18 hours after a snowfall has ended, as crews are preparing to clear major community and transit routes (collector roads, major community access roads, bus routes etc.)
- Vehicles parked on snow routes must be moved off the route for the duration of the parking ban. Vehicles that remain parked on a snow route during the ban are subject to enforcement, up to and including a $120 parking ticket and tow. Check the FAQ page for more information.
- Parking bans are in effect for up to 72 hours or until The City declares they have been lifted.
Where to park during a ban
If you park on a snow route, you’ll have to find another place for your vehicle when a ban is in place or risk a ticket and/or tow. Alternate parking options during a snow route parking ban include:
- Calgary Parking allows On-street paid parking in a ParkPlus zone located on a snow route, is only allowed during the day – from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday to Saturday – when a snow route parking ban is in effect.
- On any nearby street that isn’t on a snow route and doesn't have any other parking restrictions in place.
- In an alley, as long as these conditions are met:
- The alley is wider than 6.1 metres and there are no pre-existing parking restrictions.
- There's at least 1.5 metres of space left between the vehicle and driveway or garage.
- The vehicle is not parked directly across from a driveway or garage.
- There's at least 1 metre of space left between the vehicle and closest blue, black and green carts.
- There's at least 3 metres of clearance on either side of the vehicle to allow others to pass by unobstructed. See the traffic bylaw for more information.
Snow route parking ban exemptions
On-street accessible parking zones – no parking bans
On-street accessible parking zones located on snow routes are exempt from parking bans at all times. If you or a household member have mobility issues, learn more about accessible parking zones and how to apply for one.
Downtown and Business Improvement Areas – overnight bans only
Parking is permitted daily from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. in any ParkPlus zone located on a snow route during a parking ban. Parking is not permitted in these same ParkPlus zones overnight, from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., during a parking ban. Check out the snow route location map for further information.
Snow route parking ban alerts
The City uses a variety of channels to let you know when a snow route parking ban is coming into effect, is in effect and when it’s lifted.
- Visit the Snow and Ice updates page.
- Subscribe to receive alerts.
- Follow @yyctransport on Twitter
- Call 311 and listen to the automated message.
- Watch the local news or listen to the radio.
Still have questions? Visit our FAQ page for more information on how Snow Route parking bans work.
Snow Route Map
Snow route signs are posted along all affected roadways. Check the snow route map to find out where snow routes are located.
Parking Ban Alerts
Sign-up to receive text or email notifications when a snow route parking ban will be in effect and when it's been lifted.
Where to park during a ban
Calgary Parking allows On-street paid parking in a ParkPlus zone located on a snow route, is only allowed during the day – from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday to Saturday – when a snow route parking ban is in effect.
Parking ban enforcement
Calgary Parking can ticket and/or tow vehicles parked on a Snow Route. Learn more about Calgary Parking enforcement practices during a Snow Route parking ban.
Snow and Ice Concerns
Report a complaint or concern on a public sidewalk, city road, pathway, walkway or Calgary Transit property.