How to park your vehicle on pickup day
Garbage trucks need lots of space to collect your carts safely and stay on schedule on collection day. Ensure your carts can be safely collected by following these parking guidelines.
Spacing around vehicles
Do |
Make sure there’s at least 1 metre (3 ft.) of space left between any vehicle and the closest cart. |
TIP: If you are in a busy area where cars are regularly moving and parking, place your carts in front of or closer to your driveway to prevent any vehicle from impeding access to your cart(s).

Cul-de-sac parking
Do | Don't |
All vehicles must be parallel parked with passenger side wheels to the curb. |
Angle parking is not allowed in a cul-de-sac unless signage permits it. |
Why? This helps collection trucks to reach your carts for pickup and provides enough clearance to safely turn around in the cul-de-sac.

Parking near alley entrance
Do |
Keep entrances to alleyways clear. Park your car at least 5 metres (16 ft) away from an alley entrance. |
Why? Garbage trucks require a wide turning radius due to their large size. They need enough room to enter and exit the alley.

Passing room in alley
Do |
Leave at least 3 metres (10 ft) of clearance in alleyways for passing. This applies to parked vehicles, carts, and other property stored in the back alley. |
Why? Emergency vehicles and collection trucks need to be able to get through any alley and have room to turn around if needed.

Parking at end of alley
Do |
Keep vehicles and private property away from the end of a closed alley or within a turnaround area. |
Why? The designated turnaround areas were designed for large vehicles like garbage trucks to turn around safely. They are not intended for parking or storage of private property.