A-Z Listing for What Goes Where items
- A&W burger wrapper
- A/C unit
- Absorbent pads - meat
- Acetone
- Action figure and doll – electronic
- Advil bottle
- AED defibrillator
- Aerosol can - household
- Aerosol can - personal care
- Air compressor
- Air compressor
- Air conditioner
- Air freshener (with plug)
- Air freshener - cone
- Air freshener - plastic bottle
- Air freshener - refill
- Air freshener – aerosol
- Air mattress
- Air purifier and ionizer
- Air tank - welding
- Air Wick, Febreze, Glade PlugIns refill
- All-in-one computer
- Almond butter
- Almonds
- Aluminum foil, plates and containers
- Aluminum siding
- Amaryllis
- Ammunition
- Amplifier
- Anchovy tube
- Animal (dead) carcass
- Animal bedding
- Animal waste
- Answering machine
- Antibacterial soap
- Antifreeze - all types
- Antiperspirant
- Aphids, ash leaf cone roller and ash psyllid
- Apple TV
- Apple Watch
- Applesauce cup seal
- Applesauce pouch
- Appliance - bathroom
- Appliance - large
- Aquarium
- Aromatherapy diffuser
- Artist paint
- Asbestos
- Ashes - fireplace/pit
- Asphalt
- Asphalt shingles
- Automatic soap dispenser
- Automotive vehicle (car, truck)
- Avocado
- Baby bottle - plastic, reusable
- Baby food jar seal
- Baby food squeeze pouch
- Baby monitor
- Baby seats and carriers
- Baby wipes
- Babybel wax
- Backpacks, wallets and purses
- Backyard composter
- Bacon fat
- Bag
- Bag - paper
- Bag - Reusable
- Bagel
- Bags - certified compostable
- Baguette
- Bakery bag - paper with plastic window
- Bakery box - plastic
- Bakery box – paper
- Bakery box – paper
- Bakeware - metal
- Baking cup - paper
- Baking powder
- Baking sheet
- Baking soda
- Ballast - light
- Balloons - all types
- Balsamic vinaigrette
- Bamboo cutlery (fork, knife, spoon) and plates
- Band-aids
- Bar soap
- Barbecue sauce bottle - plastic
- Barbecues and grills
- Barbeque lighter
- Barbeque sauce
- Barbeque skewer - wooden
- Barbie
- Barley
- Baseball glove
- Bathroom scale – digital
- Bathtub
- Battery - household
- Beakers and vials
- Bear spray
- Beard wax
- Bedding plant pots
- Beef jerky
- Beef jerky bag
- Beer can holder
- Beeswax product
- Belt
- Berry container - plastic (raspberry, blueberry, strawberry etc.)
- Beverage container - Tetra Pak frozen juice container
- Beverage containers
- Beverages
- Bicycle (bike)
- Bicycle (bike) helmet
- Bicycle (bike) tires
- Big Yellow Bag
- Bike - exercise equipment
- Binder (office, school)
- Bio-medical waste
- Biodegradable products – all types
- Biodegradable wipes
- Black eyed and split peas
- Black knot fungus
- Black plastic - tray
- Bleach and ammonia
- Blister packaging
- Blood glucose monitor
- Blood glucose test strip
- Blood glucose test strip bottle
- Blood pressure monitor
- Blu-ray player
- Blue shop towels
- Blueweed
- BluRay discs
- Boat
- Body lotion - tube
- Body lotion bottle - plastic
- Bodywash bottle
- Boiler
- Bones - meat
- Books - Coil-bound or spiral-ring
- Books - Hardcover
- Books - Paperback
- Boombox
- Boot dryer
- Bottle caps, milk, pop, beer and wine lids
- Bottle deposit containers
- Bottle seal - plastic
- Bottle – beverage
- Bottles - travel-size
- Bough
- Bows
- Box - soap
- Box spring
- Boxspring
- Brake, power steering and transmission fluids
- Branches – diseased
- Branches – tree, trimmings, bush
- Brazil nuts
- Bread (pita, loaf, bun etc.)
- Bread bag - paper with plastic window
- Bread bag - plastic
- Bread maker
- Bread tags
- Breakfast bar
- Breast milk storage bag
- Brick
- Brita filter
- Broadleaf plantain
- Brochures
- Bronze leaf disease
- Broth carton
- Brown paper bag
- Brush - all types
- Bubble bath bottle
- Bubble gum
- Bubble mailer - paper
- Bubble mailer - plastic
- Bubble wrap
- Buckets - plastic
- Bug spray - aerosol
- Bulk bag – landscaping, soil
- Bullets
- Burger box
- Burger wrapper - foil/paper
- Burger wrapper - paper
- Burner liners - foil
- Business cards
- Butane canister
- Butane lighter
- Butcher’s paper
- Butter - all types
- Butter wrapper
- Button
- Cabinets and drawers
- Cable box
- Cake - all types
- Cake box - plastic
- Cake box – paper
- Cake box – paper
- Cake mix
- Cake mold – paper
- Cake pan
- Calculator – all types
- Camcorder
- Cameras - film
- Camper trailer
- Camping propane tank
- Camping waste bags
- Canada thistle
- Candle wax
- Candles – all types (beeswax, paraffin)
- Candy - all types
- Candy bar wrapper
- Candy cane
- Cannabis drink lid cover
- Canning lid - metal
- Cappuccino packet
- Capri Sun pouch
- Car (automotive) lead-acid battery
- Car parts
- Car seat
- Car wax
- Caraway seeds
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Carcass – meat, chicken, turkey
- Cardboard
- Cardboard box (shipping, moving etc.)
- Cards – birthday, seasonal etc
- Carpet and underlay
- Carpet cleaner - appliance
- Cashews
- Cassette players
- Cassette tapes
- Cat food
- Cat litter
- Cat tree
- CAT5 cable
- Catalogues
- Cattle carcass
- CD (compact discs)
- CD jewel case
- CD players
- CD-ROM drives and burners
- Ceiling lights
- Cell phone
- Cell phone - charger
- Cellophane
- Cement
- Central processing unit (CPU)
- Ceramic
- Cereal and granola
- Cereal bag liner
- Cereal box
- Cereal box
- CFL light bulbs and tubes
- Chai tea carton
- Chain link fence
- Chairs
- Chalk
- Chandelier
- Chapstick
- Charcoal products
- Cheerios
- Cheese slice paper
- Cheese slices - resealable package
- Cheese string wrapper
- Cheese wax
- Cheese – all types
- Cheeseburger box
- Cheeseburger wrapper - foil/paper
- Cheeseburger wrapper - paper
- Cheesecake
- Cheesecloth
- Chemicals - Automotive
- Chemicals - cleaning
- Chemicals - Gardening
- Chemicals - Health care
- Chemicals - Hobby, arts and crafts
- Cherry bag - plastic
- Cherry pit
- Chewing gum
- Chia seeds
- Chicken droppings
- Chicken wings
- Chicken wire
- Chickpeas
- Chickweed
- Chicory root
- Chiles and chili powders
- Chili soup
- Chinese food takeout box – foam
- Chinese food takeout box –cardboard
- Chip bag
- Chip's Ahoy! bag
- Chips Ahoy tray
- Chisel
- Chocolate - all types (baking, chips etc)
- Chocolate bar wrapper
- Chocolate fountain
- Chopstick - plastic
- Chopstick - wooden
- Christmas decorations
- Christmas lights
- Christmas trees - artificial
- Christmas trees - real
- Christmas wreath
- Chromebook
- Chutney
- Cigarette butts
- Cigarette lighter
- Cigarette pack
- Cinder block
- Clams
- Clamshell container – plastic
- Clay
- Clean Fill
- Cleaning cloth or rag
- Cleaning eraser
- Cleaning pads - disposable
- Cleaning wipes
- Cleats
- Cling wrap
- Clocks – all types
- Cloth bag
- Clothes hanger
- Clothes shaver – electric
- Clothing
- Clothing iron
- Clover
- CO2 cartridge
- Coal products
- Coat hanger
- Coated paper
- Coaxial cable
- Cocoa nibs
- Coconut planter liner
- Coffee bag
- Coffee beans and grounds
- Coffee can – metal only
- Coffee container – paper/foil/metal mix
- coffee container/coffee containers
- Coffee creamer - full size
- Coffee creamer - single-use
- Coffee cup - foam
- Coffee cup lids
- Coffee cup – compostable paper
- Coffee cup – paper takeout (Starbucks, Tim Hortons etc)
- Coffee filter
- Coffee grinder
- Coffee maker
- Coffee pods - compostable
- Coffee pods - plastic/foil
- Coffee pot (carafe)
- Coffee powder packet
- Colored hair
- Colored Pencil
- Common tansy
- Compostable bags
- Compostable cutlery – plastic (fork, knife, spoon, straw)
- Compostable wipes
- Compressed air duster
- Compressed gas tank
- Computer accessories – mouse, cables, speakers etc
- Computer keyboard
- Computer monitor
- Computers
- Concrete
- Condiment bottle - plastic
- Condiment cup - paper
- Condiment packet
- Conditioner bottle
- Condom
- Contact lens case
- Contact lens packaging
- Contact lens solution bottle
- Contact lenses
- Cookie (biscuit)
- Cookie bag - paper
- Cookie bag - store bought
- Cookie bags
- Cookie sheet
- Cookie tray - plastic
- Cookie, biscuit and chocolate tins
- Cooking oil (canola, vegetable etc.)
- Cooking oil (olive, canola, vegetable etc.) container - glass
- Cooking oil spray
- Corn on the cob
- Corrugated plastic signs and boards
- Cosmetics
- Cottage, sour and cream cheese
- Cotton balls
- Cotton batting
- Cotton swabs
- Couches
- Cough syrup bottle - plastic
- Countertops – all types
- Couscous
- COVID-19 home antigen rapid test kit
- Crab
- Crab apple
- Cracker bag liner
- Cracker tray - plastic
- Crackers
- Cranberry sauce
- Crayon
- Creeping bellflower
- Creosote-treated wood
- Croissant
- Croutons
- Crystal Light packet
- Cup – paper and compostable paper
- Cupcake
- Cupcake liner
- Cups - Plastic
- Cups – compostable plastic
- Curling iron
- Dairy products - general
- Dairy products - milk
- Dandelion
- Dash camera and back-up camera systems
- Decking board
- Deep fryer
- Deep fryer oil
- Deer, moose, elk and wildlife carcass
- Dehydrated side dishes
- Deli container
- Deli meat
- Deli meat - resealable package
- Deli meat paper
- Dental floss, picks and dispensers
- Deodorant
- Deodorant - aerosol
- Deodorant – paper
- Dessert bag - paper
- Dessert cup - plastic
- Diabetic lancets
- Diaper - adult
- Diaper – baby
- Dictionary
- Die grinder and angle grinder
- Diesel fuel
- Diffuse knapweed
- Diffuser stick
- Digital camera – all types
- Dimensional lumber
- Dinner roll
- Dips
- Dish soap refill bag
- Dishcloths – Swedish
- Dishes
- Dishwasher
- Dishwasher detergent bag
- Dishwashing gloves
- Dishwashing liquid soap
- Disinfecting wipes - cleaning
- Disinfecting wipes - personal hygiene
- Diskettes
- Disposable cleaning pads and dusters
- Disposable cup lids
- Disposable wood cutlery (fork, knife, spoon)
- Dog food
- Dog food bag
- Dog kennel
- Dog pads
- Dog waste
- Donut
- Donut box – paper
- Donut box – paper
- Door mat
- Doorbell camera
- Doors and windows
- Downspout - aluminum/metal
- Downspout - vinyl/plastic
- Dress
- Drill
- Drink containers
- Drink tray - paper
- Drinking glass (houseware)
- Drinks
- Drugs
- Drum machine
- Dry cleaner bag - plastic
- Dryer
- Dryer lint
- Dryer sheet
- Drywall
- Dust and powders
- Dusters - disposable
- DVD case
- DVD movies and discs
- DVD players
- DVD-ROM drives
- Dyed hair
- E-cigarette
- Earbuds
- Eavestrough (gutter) -aluminum/metal
- Eavestrough -vinyl/plastic
- Edger
- Egg carton - cardboard
- Egg carton - foam
- Egg carton - plastic
- Egg cooker
- Egg shells
- Egg white carton
- Eggnog
- Eggs
- Election signs - plastic
- Electric fans and portable fans
- Electric fireplace
- Electric hair clippers and trimmers
- Electric massager
- Electric motor
- Electric plug
- Electric pump
- Electric razor
- Electric toothbrush
- Electrical cord
- Electrical wire
- Electronic learning aids and vehicles
- Electronic notebook
- Elliptical
- Elm scale
- Empty container with hazard symbol
- Encyclopedias
- Energy and protein bars
- Energy bar wrapper
- Engine and chain oil
- English muffin
- Envelope - paper
- Envelope - paper with bubble wrap
- Envelope - plastic
- Eos lip balm
- Espresso machine
- Essential oil bottle
- Essential oils
- Ethernet cable
- Ethernet switch
- Evaporated (powder) milk
- Exercise equipment
- Explosives
- Extension cord
- Exterior siding
- Eye drops bottle
- Eyeglasses
- Eyeliner
- Eyeshadow palettes and tubes
- Fabric - scrap and unusable
- Fabric softener sheet
- Fabric spray bottle
- Face cream container - plastic
- Face cream jar - glass
- Face lotion bottle - plastic
- Face lotion bottle - tube
- Face masks – all types
- Face wash bottle - plastic
- Fast food bag - paper
- Fast food bag - paper with plastic window
- Fast food bag - Tim Hortons
- Fast food box - burger
- Fast food box - fries
- Fast food box - paper with plastic window
- Fast food bucket - paper
- Fast food container - plastic
- Fast food container - soup cup
- Fast food container – cardboard
- Fast food container – paper and compostable paper
- Fast food cookie/sandwich bag - paper
- Fast food cup – soft drink
- Fast food drink tray - paper
- Fast food fries bag - paper
- Fast food hamburger wrapper - paper
- Fast food sandwich wrapper - paper
- Fast food tray - paper
- Fast food wrapper - foil/paper
- Fasteners - metal
- Fasteners - various household
- Faucet
- Fax machine
- Feathers
- Febreze – aerosol
- Febreze – plastic bottle
- Feminine hygiene products
- Fence board
- Fertilizer (Miracle-Gro, Scotts, Golfgreen)
- Fibreglass insulation
- Film camera
- Fingernail clippings
- Fire blight
- Fire extinguisher
- Fire pit ashes
- Fireplace
- Fireplace ashes
- Fireworks
- Fish
- Fish tank
- Fitbit
- Fitness tracker
- Flashlight
- Flatbread
- Floatation devices
- Floor scrubber and polisher - appliance
- Floor wax
- Floppy Discs
- Floral foam
- Flour - all varieties
- Flour bag - paper
- Flowers
- Fluorescent tubes
- Flushable wipes
- Flyers
- Foam packaging - all types
- Foil
- Foil burner liners
- Foil takeout food containers
- Food
- Food and beverage can
- Food and beverage cartons (Tetra pak, Purepak)
- Food bag opener and sealer
- Food chopper, blender or processor
- Food pouch - squeeze
- Food scale – digital
- Food seal
- Food storage containers - plastic
- Food tray - paper
- Fountain pop and soft drink lid
- Fountain pop cup
- Freezer
- Freezer bags - plastic
- French fries bag
- French fries box
- Fried chicken bucket
- Frosting tube
- Frozen dinner seal
- Frozen fruit/vegetable pouch
- Frozen juice can
- Frozen vegetable bag - stretchy
- Frozen yogurt carton
- Frozen yogurt cup - paper
- Fruit
- Fruit cup seal
- Fruit mesh bag
- Fruit pits
- Frying pan
- Fuel container
- Fujifilm Instax camera
- Fur
- Furnace
- Furnace filters
- Furniture
- Futon
- Garburator
- Garden hose
- Gardening fabric
- Garland
- Gas can
- Gas fireplace
- Gas tanks and cylinders
- Gasoline fuel
- Generator
- Gift bag - paper
- Gift wrap (foil)
- Gift wrap (glossy or matte)
- Ginger - all types
- Gingerbread
- Glass - Tempered
- Glass bottle (beverage container)
- Glass cleaner (Windex etc.)
- Glass food jars and bottles (pasta sauce, pickle, salsa etc.)
- Glass vases and other housewares
- Glass window pane
- Glasses and eyewear
- Glove dryer
- Gloves - plastic/disposable
- Gloves - rubber/latex
- Glow sticks
- Glue
- GoGo squeez pouch
- Golf club
- Google Chromecast
- Graham crackers
- Granola bar
- Granola bar wrapper
- Grape bag - plastic
- Grape container – plastic
- Grass
- Gravel
- Gravy - all types
- Grease, fats and drippings
- Green cell foam
- Green Lid compost bins
- Grocery bag - paper
- Grocery bag - plastic
- Grout
- Guacamole
- GUM Soft-Picks
- Gummy bears
- Gutter - vinyl/plastic
- Gym equipment
- Hair - human
- Hair - pet
- Hair brush and comb
- Hair dryer
- Hair dye bottle
- Hair spray and mousse - aerosol
- Hair straightener and flat iron
- Hair ties and elastics
- Hair waxing product
- Halogen light bulbs
- Hamburger box
- Hamburger Helper
- Hamburger paper
- Hamburger wrapper - foil/paper
- Hamburger wrapper - paper
- Hammer
- Hand and toe warmers
- Hand lotion bottle - plastic
- Hand lotion bottle - tube
- Hand mixer and stand mixer
- Hand pump
- Hand soap
- Hanger
- Hard hat
- Hardboard (HDF)
- Hardcover books
- Hardwood flooring
- Hay
- HDMI cable
- Headphone
- Headset
- Hedge trimmer
- Helium tank
- Helmet - all types
- Hemp hearts
- Herbicide (weed killer)
- Herbs - all types
- Hockey net
- Hockey stick
- Home gym equipment
- Home phones - cordless and landline
- Hook
- Hot chocolate canister - paper/foil/metal mix
- Hot chocolate powder packet
- Hot dog
- Hot dog wrapper - foil/paper
- Hot plate
- Hot sauce
- Hot tub
- Hot water tank (heater)
- Hot/cold pack
- House plants
- Household appliances
- Household hazardous waste
- Household items – large
- Household items – small
- Household lightbulb
- Human hair
- Humidifier
- Hummus
- Hummus container seal
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Ice cream buckets
- Ice cream carton
- Ice cream cup - paper
- Ice cream maker
- Ice pack – compress
- Ice pack – meal delivery service
- Iced tea powder packet
- Icing bag
- Incontinence pad, liner and underpads (Poise, Depend etc.)
- Infant carriers
- Inflatable (kiddie) pool
- Inflatable rafts, tubes and floats
- Inhaler
- Ink cartridge
- Insecticide(Raid, Ortho, Doktor Doom)
- Instant film camera
- Instant mashed potatoes
- Instant pot
- Insulation
- Intravenous (IV) fluid systems
- iPad
- IPhone
- Ironing board
- Jackets and coats
- Jam
- Jar and can opener – electric
- Jar lid – metal
- Jerry can
- Jigsaw puzzle
- Joint compound (drywall)
- Joystick
- Jugs - beverage
- Juice
- Juice box
- Juice concentrate can - frozen
- Juice pouch (foil/plastic)
- Karaoke machine
- Ketchup
- Ketchup bottle - plastic
- Ketchup cup - paper
- Ketchup packet
- Kettle
- Keurig K-cups
- Keurig K-cups - compostable
- Key
- KFC chicken bucket
- Kitty litter
- Kleenex
- Kleenex box
- Kleenex box
- Kool-Aid pouch
- Kraft Dinner
- Label, paper - on container
- Label, plastic - on container
- Labels
- Lacquers, stains and varnishes
- Ladder - aluminum
- Laminate flooring
- Laminated paper
- Lamp
- Lamp – floor
- Landscape fabric
- Laptop
- Laptop battery
- Lard
- Lasagna
- Latex gloves
- Latte packet
- Laundry basket
- Laundry detergent bag
- Lawn mower
- Leafy spurge
- Leather
- LED light bulbs
- Leftover cream and ointment
- Leftover lotion
- Lentils, pulses, and beans
- Letters
- Lettuce container
- Licorice
- Lid - metal, large
- Lid - metal, small
- Lid - plastic, small
- Lids - plastic, large
- Light ballast
- Light bulb - compact fluorescent
- Light bulb - halogen
- Light bulb - household
- Light bulb - incandescent
- Light tubes
- Lighter
- Lighting fixture
- Linens, bedsheets, blankets, and duvets
- Liners - feminine products
- Lint rollers and sheets
- Lip balm - pot
- Lip balm - stick
- Lip gloss
- Lipstick
- Lipstick, lip liner and lip gloss
- Liquid soap
- Loaf pan – paper
- Loam
- Lobster
- Lotion bottle - plastic
- Lotion bottle - tube
- Lotions, creams and ointments
- Lottery scratch ticket
- Luggage - carry-on
- Luggage scale – digital
- Luggage – large
- Lumber - treated
- Lumber - untreated
- Lunch bag - paper
- Lunch bag - plastic
- Lysol spray - aerosol
- Lysol wipes
- Lythraceae
- Macaroni
- MacBook
- Magazines
- Magic Eraser cleaner
- Makeup
- Makeup brush
- Makeup wipes
- Mandarin orange wrapper
- Maple syrup
- Marbles
- Margarine
- Margarine wrapper
- Marker - pen
- Marmalade
- Marmalade
- Marshmallows
- Mascara
- Masks, face – all types
- Mason and canning jar - glass
- Masonry block
- Matchbox car playset
- Matches
- Mattress
- Mattress pad
- Mattress topper
- Mayonnaise
- McDonald's burger wrapper
- McDonald's compostable coffee pods
- MDF wood
- Meal delivery box (Hello Fresh, Chefs Plate, Goodfood etc.)
- Meal delivery box (Hello Fresh, Chefs Plate, Goodfood etc.)
- Meal delivery packaging (Hello Fresh, Chefs Plate, Goodfood etc)
- Meat grinder
- Meat tray - foam
- Meat tray - plastic
- Meat tray liners
- Meat wrap paper
- Meat – beef, poultry, pork
- Mechanical pencil and lead inserts
- Medical equipment and supplies
- Medical equipment – digital
- Medicine
- Melba toast
- Melon rind
- Menstrual pads
- Mesh food bags
- Metal - Aluminum foil, plates and containers
- Metal cutlery (fork, knife, spoon)
- Metal wire fencing - barbed
- Method soap bag
- Microphone
- Microwave dinner seal
- Microwave frozen dinner tray - plastic
- Microwave frozen dinner tray – paper (e.g. Michelina’s etc.)
- Microwaves
- Milk
- Milk cartons
- Milkette (mini milk – single use)
- Minute Maid pouch
- Miracle Whip
- Mirrors
- Miso paste bag
- Mobile phone
- Moccachino packet
- Modelling glue
- Modem
- Moisturizer bottle - tube
- Moisturizer bottle -plastic
- Moss
- Motor oil
- Motorcycle helmet
- Mott's squeeze pouch
- MP3 players and iPods
- Muffin
- Muffin liner
- Muffin tin
- Mulch (untreated)
- Multi-material packaging
- Mussels
- Mustache wax
- Mustard
- Mustard bottle - plastic
- Mustard packet
- Naan
- Nail clippings
- Nail gun
- Nail polish
- Nail polish remover
- Nails - metal
- Nectarine pit
- Needles
- Nespresso capsules
- Nespresso capsules - compostable
- Network cable
- Newspaper and paper inserts
- Nintendo gaming consoles
- Nitrile gloves
- Nitrous oxide cartridge
- Nodding thistle
- Noodles
- Nuclear waste
- Nutella
- Nutritional powder packet
- Nuts
- Nuts and bolts - metal
- Oatmeal
- Oatmeal packet
- Octopus
- Oil drums
- Oil filter
- Oily rags
- Ointment tube
- Optical drives
- Orange juice can - frozen
- Oreo bag
- Oreos tray
- Ornaments
- OSB wood
- Oven
- Oven cleaner
- Overwrap packaging - plastic
- Oxo-gradable products – all types
- Oxygen mask and tubing
- Oxygen tank - medical
- Oxygen tank - welding
- Oysters
- Oystershell scale
- Ozempic Pens
- Packing peanuts - foam
- Packing peanuts – biodegradable, compostable, starch
- Page protector
- Pager
- Pails - plastic
- Paint (latex, alkyd, oil-based)
- Paint brush and roller
- Paint can
- Paint thinners, strippers and solvents
- Painted wood
- Paintings and sculptures
- PakTech can holder
- Pallets
- Pam cooking spray
- Pancake and waffle mix
- Panini press
- Pant press
- Pants, skirts and jeans
- Panty liners
- Paper - Brochures and flyers
- Paper - Catalogues and magazines
- Paper - Coil-bound or spiral-ring books
- Paper - Gift wrap (glossy or matte)
- Paper - Hardcover books
- Paper - laminated
- Paper - Napkins
- Paper - Paperback books
- Paper - Postcards
- Paper - Shredded
- Paper - Telephone books and catalogues
- Paper bag - shopping/gift
- Paper clip
- Paper condiment cup
- Paper cup – takeout
- Paper food tray
- Paper label on container
- Paper ream packaging
- Paper towel roll
- Paper towels
- Paperback books
- Paraffin wax product
- Parchment paper
- Particle board
- Party trays - plastic
- Pasta box
- Pasta machine
- Pasta sauce
- Pastry - all types
- Pastry brush
- Patio furniture
- Patio furniture - plastic
- Patio heaters
- Patio umbrella
- Patty paper
- Peach pit
- Peanut butter - all types
- Peanut butter container seal
- Peanuts
- Pebbles
- Pecans
- Peel-off food seal
- Peels - fruit
- Pencil and Pencil Crayon
- Pencil shavings
- Pens
- Pepper
- Pepper spray
- Perfume
- Perfume bottles
- Permanent marker
- Personal wipes
- Pesticide
- Pet bedding
- Pet food
- Pet food bag
- Pet fur
- Pet hair
- Pet remains
- Pet treats
- Pet waste
- Petroleum jelly
- Petroleum jelly container
- Phone books
- Phone cord
- Photo developing liquids
- Photographs
- Picture frame
- Picture frame – large
- Pie
- Pie box – paper
- Pie box – paper
- Pie pan – paper
- Pie tin
- Pigweed
- Pill packaging - foil/plastic
- Pillow
- Pine cones and needles
- Pipe cutter and threader
- Pits - fruit
- Pizza box liner - paper
- Pizza box – cardboard
- Pizza sauce
- Plant pots - plastic
- Plants
- Plastic - Drink cups
- Plastic - Gift cards
- Plastic - Miscellaneous
- Plastic - Packaging
- Plastic bag - non-stretchy
- Plastic bag - stretchy
- Plastic cutlery (fork, knife, spoon)
- Plastic film
- Plastic label on container
- Plastic lids - large
- Plastic meat tray
- Plastic mesh food bags
- Plastic pots
- Plastic shower curtain
- Plastic storage bag – for bedsheets, garments, duvets, linens etc.
- Plastic takeout food containers
- Plastic toy
- Plate - foam
- Plate – paper/party
- Plate – plastic
- Play dough - all types
- Playing cards
- Playstation gaming systems
- Plum pit
- Plum sauce
- Plumbing parts (pipes, valves, connectors)
- Plywood
- Pods, coffee - compostable
- Pods, coffee - plastic/foil
- Poinsetta
- Polaroid camera
- Polyethylene film
- Polyurethane, polyethylene, and expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam
- Pool noodle
- Pop
- Popcorn and kernels
- Popcorn bag - microwave
- Popcorn maker
- Poppy seeds
- Popsicle stick
- Porcelain
- Portable recorder
- Portable stove
- Portable toilet systems
- Postcards
- Potato chip bag
- Potato chips
- Potpourri
- Pots and pans - cooking
- Powder spices
- Powder, foundation and concealer
- Powdered side dishes
- Power bar
- Power poles
- Power tools
- Power Wheels toys
- Prawn
- Prescription, medicine or pill bottle - plastic
- Prescriptions
- President's Choice compostable coffee pods
- Pressure-treated wood
- Pressurized fuel cylinder
- Pretzels
- Price tag - paper
- Pringles chip canister
- Printer
- Printer cartridge
- Projector
- Propane tanks and cylinders
- Protein bar wrapper
- Pudding cup
- Pudding cup seal
- Pumpkin (seeds, guts, Jack-O-Lantern)
- Pumpkin seeds
- Puppy pads
- Purple loosestrife
- Purse
- Push pin
- Puzzle pieces - paper
- Pyrex container
- Radioactive waste
- Radios and stereos – all types
- Rags - oil/spill clean-up
- Railway ties
- Rain barrel
- Range
- Range extender
- Rawhide
- Razor blade
- Real turf
- Receipts
- Record player and turntables
- Records - vinyl
- Recreational vehicle
- Refrigerator (fridge)
- Refrigerator (fridge) filter
- Refrigerator (fridge) magnets
- Refundable beverage containers
- Relish
- Relish packet
- Remote control
- Remote control toy
- Resealable deli meat package
- Resealable food pouch
- Reusable shopping bag
- Rhubarb
- Ribbons
- Rice
- Rice bag – fabric
- Rice bag – plastic
- Rice cooker
- Rind - fruit
- Robot vacuum
- Robotic pool cleaner
- Rocks
- Roofing paper
- Roomba
- Router
- Rubber (elastic) band
- Rubber gloves
- Rubbermaid bin
- Rubbermaid food containers
- Rubbing alcohol
- Rug
- S.O.S. soap pad
- Safety pin
- Safety seal - plastic
- Salad
- Salad container
- Salad dressing - all types
- Salad dressing bottle - plastic
- Salad kit bag - plastic
- Salad kit container
- Salt
- salt and pepper shakers
- Sand
- Sander
- Sandpaper
- Sandwich bag - paper
- Sandwich bag - plastic
- Sandwich container - plastic
- Sandwich meat - resealable package
- Sandwich wedge container
- Sandwich wrapper - paper
- Sanitary napkins
- Saran wrap
- Satellite dish
- Satellite phone
- Satin moth
- Sauce - all types
- Sauna
- Sausage
- Sausage casing
- Saw – electric
- Sawdust
- Scallops
- Scanner
- Scentless chamomile
- Scissors
- Scrap fabric
- Scrap metal and unusable metal items
- Scratch ticket
- Screw
- Screwdriver
- Scrubber
- Seafood
- Seasoning - all types
- Security camera
- Seeds
- Server
- Sesame seeds
- Sewing machine
- Shampoo bottle
- Sharpie pen
- Shaving cream - aerosol
- Shaving razor
- Sheet pan
- Sheet protector
- Shellfish
- Shells - nuts and seeds
- Shipping bag - paper
- Shipping bag – plastic (Amazon bags etc)
- Shirt
- Shirts and blouses
- Shoes
- Shop vacuum
- Shopping bag
- Shopping bag - paper
- Shopping bag - plastic
- Shortbread
- Shower curtain - plastic
- Shredded cheese bag
- Shredded paper
- Shrimp
- Shrink wrap
- Shrink wrap - plastic
- Sidekicks pasta
- Sidewalk chalk
- Silica gel packet
- Silicone items – all types
- Single-serving condiment packet
- Single-use powder packets
- Sink
- Six-pack lid holder
- Six-pack plastic rings
- Skates
- Ski wax
- Sleep apnea machine
- Sleeping bag
- Sliced cheese wrappers - plastic
- Slow cooker
- Slurpee cup
- Smartphone
- Smartwatches
- Smoke detectors
- Smoker - barbeque
- Snow shovel
- Snowboard wax
- Soap - all types
- Soap bottle - plastic
- Soap box
- Soap box
- Sod
- Soda pop
- Sodastream CO2 canister
- Sofas
- Soft drink cup
- Soil - clean fill
- Solar panel light (home and garden use)
- Solar panel – residential and RV
- Solo cups
- Sony Playstation systems
- Soup
- Soup can
- Soup carton
- Soup cup - paper
- Soy sauce packet
- Soya sauce
- Space heater
- Spackling paste
- Spaghetti
- Spaghetti box
- Speakers
- Spices - all types
- Spinach bag - plastic
- Splitter box
- Sponge
- Sports equipment
- Spot remover
- Spotted knapweed
- Spray paint and spray foam
- Squeeze pouch
- Squid
- Sriracha sauce
- Stained glass
- Stair climber
- Stand up plastic pouch
- Staple
- Starbucks bag - paper
- Steak sauce
- Steam mop
- Steamer - food
- Steamer – garment and clothing
- Steel cut oats
- Steel wool
- Steel wool pad
- Stew
- Stickers
- Sticky notes and Post-it notes
- Stir stick - plastic
- Stir stick – wood
- Stones
- Storage bins and trunks
- Stove
- Straw - plastic
- Straws - paper
- Street sweepings
- Stretch wrap
- String - plastic/synthetic
- String and twine - natural fibre (jute, sisal, cotton, hemp)
- String trimmer
- Stroller
- Stuffed animal
- Styrofoam™
- Subway sandwich wrapper
- Sugar - all varieties (cane, brown, granulated etc.)
- Sugar bag - paper
- Suitcase - carry-on
- Suitcase – large
- Suncreen bottle - tube
- Sunflower seeds
- Sunscreen - aerosol
- Sunscreen bottle - plastic
- Sunscreen – expired,Leftover
- Super sack
- Supplements bottle - plastic
- Sweater
- Swedish dishcloths
- Swiffer cleaning pads and dusters
- Swim belt
- Swim spa
- Swimming pool
- Swing sets and playgrounds – metal
- Synthesizer
- Synthetic string and twine
- Syringes
- Tables
- Tablet
- Tack - thumb
- Tahini
- Takeout bag - paper
- Takeout bag - paper with plastic window
- Takeout box - paper with plastic window
- Takeout container - foam
- Takeout container - soup cup
- Takeout container – paper and compostable paper
- Takeout containers - burger box
- Takeout containers - Chinese food – cardboard
- Takeout containers - compostable plastic
- Takeout containers - foil
- Takeout containers - fries box
- Takeout containers - lined paper
- Takeout containers - paper bucket
- Takeout containers - paper tray
- Takeout containers - plastic
- Takeout containers - plastic party trays
- Takeout cookie/sandwich bag - paper
- Takeout cup – soft drink
- Takeout drink tray - paper
- Takeout fries bag - paper
- Takeout hamburger wrapper - paper
- Takeout sandwich wrapper - paper
- Takeout Tim Hortons bag - paper
- Takeout wrapper - foil/paper
- Tampons
- Tank, compressed - gas
- Tape
- Tar paper
- Tarp
- Tart
- Tassimo T-Discs pods
- Tassimo T-Discs pods - compostable
- Tea bag
- Tea bag packet
- Tea pots and tea cups
- Telephone books
- Television (TV)
- Tent (fabric only)
- Tetley Tea canister
- Tetra Pak frozen juice container
- Textbooks
- Textiles
- Thermal paper
- Thermometer - mercury
- Thermometer – digital
- Thermostats
- Thread
- Thumb tack
- Tiles
- Tim Hortons bag - paper
- Tim Hortons soup cup
- Timer
- Tin container
- Tin foil
- Tinsel
- Tires
- Tissue - facial
- Tissue box
- Tissue box
- Tissue paper
- Toadflax
- Toaster and toaster oven
- Toenail clippings
- Toilet
- Toilet bowl brush
- Toilet bowl cleaner
- Toilet paper
- Toilet paper roll
- Tomato paste tube
- Tomato sauce
- Toner
- Tools - non-powered
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Toothpick
- Tortilla chip bag
- Tortilla wrap
- Towel Curtains
- Toy
- Toys - plastic
- Toys – electronic
- Track lighting
- Trail mix bag
- Training pads
- Travel mug - stainless steel
- Travel-size bottles
- Treadmill
- Tree nuts
- Trees – diseased
- Trophy
- Trowel
- Tuna can
- Tupperware
- TV sound bar
- Twine - plastic/synthetic
- Twist tie
- Tylenol bottle
- Typewriter
- vacuum bags
- Vacuum cleaner
- Vacuum cleaner dirt
- Vacuum dust
- Vacuum seal bags and packaging
- Vanity mirror with lighting
- Vape pens and cartridges
- Vaseline
- Vaseline container
- VCR players
- Vegetable mesh bag
- Vegetable shortening
- Vegetables
- Vehicle
- Video camera
- Video game consoles
- Video tapes
- Vinaigrette
- Vinegar packet
- Vinyl downspout
- Vinyl gutter
- Vinyl records
- Vinyl siding
- Vitamin bottle - plastic
- Vitamin powder packet
- Vitamins
- Wafers
- WAG bags
- Wall lights and sconces
- Wallpaper
- Walnuts
- Washer
- Watch
- Water bottle - plastic, reusable
- Water bottle - stainless steel
- Water Cooler
- Water filter
- Water softener, equipment and bags
- Water wings
- Wax paper
- Wax products - all types
- Waxed cups
- Wearables
- Webcam
- Weed wacker
- Weeds - common
- Weeds – noxious, prohibited, invasive
- Weight lifting equipment
- Wet naps
- Wet-hard floor cleaner
- Whipped cream spray and chargers
- Whiteboards and bulletin boards
- Wicker furniture
- Window blinds
- Windshield fluid container
- Windshield glass
- Wine cork
- Wipes - personal hygiene
- Wood - Creosote-treated
- Wood - HDF
- Wood - MDF
- Wood - OSB
- Wood - painted/stained
- Wood - Pallets
- Wood - particle board
- Wood - plywood
- Wood - pressure-treated
- Wood - untreated
- Wool items
- Worcestershire sauce
- Workout bench
- Wrapper - granola and snack bars
- Wrapper - mandarin orange
- Wrapper - paper
- Wrapper - paper/foil
- Wrapping paper
- Wrapping paper (foil)
- Wrapping paper (glossy or matte)
- Wreath
- Wrench
- Yard waste - general
- Yard waste - Grass clippings
- Yard waste – leaves
- Yarn
- Yeast
- Yellow-headed spruce sawfly
- Yoga mat
- Yogurt container seal
- Yogurt cup
- Yogurt tube
- Yogurt – all types