How to recycle cardboard boxes
Recycle empty and clean cardboard boxes:
- In your blue cart
- At a community recycling depot
Special instructions
- Remove as much tape and labels as possible from the box and put in the garbage.
- Remove plastic wrapping (e.g. from drink flats) and bundle with other plastic bags for recycling.
- Flatten cardboard and fold or cut as needed - all material must be inside blue cart with the lid closed.
- Take extra large cardboard pieces to a community recycling depot.
If you are a business with boxes to recycle, see our Business Waste resources for options
Community recycling depot locations listed below:
- Remove any plastic windows from the box and put in garbage. Bundle with other plastic bags for recycling.
- Remove as much tape and labels as possible from the box and put the tape in the garbage.
- Shake out crumbs or take a used napkin to wipe out any icing or food residue.
- Remove plastic wrapping (e.g. from drink flats) and bundle with other plastic bags for recycling.
- Flatten cardboard and fold or cut as needed - all material must be inside blue cart with the lid closed.
- Take oversized cardboard pieces that do not fit in your blue cart to a community recycling depot.