Web/cardboard body, metal bottom and/or rim and foil lining. Recycle the plastic lid from canisters in your blue cart. Common containers and canisters include: Beverage powder mix canisters Iced tea powder canisters Ground coffee
Webwith a thin film of photovoltaic material on a substrate such as glass, plastic or metal Examples include: Residential solar panels RV solar panels Solar panel lights for gardens, posts, fences and pathways Special instructions
Webthe empty tin can and squeeze the top closed (see image). Cans with a plastic lid: remove the lid and recycle both items separately. Paper labels are ok to leave on. Take pop and other drink cans to an albertadepot.ca for
WebHygiene products may also be made of a mix of organic and synthetic fibres, plastic or manufactured products that will not breakdown during the composting process. To ensure we're creating the highest quality compost possible,
Weband food scraps in your green cart. Put dipping sauce containers and plastic pegs into your black cart. Community recycling depot locations listed below: Top photo: Clean pizza boxes (some grease is ok) go in the blue bin
Webpackaging or mixed material packaging are often made up of a mix of paper/plastic/foil. As the materials are not easily separated, they are not acceptable for recycling.
Webdecontaminated, put your recyclables in loose (unbagged) except for bagged plastic bags and bagged shredded paper. Green cart – food scraps and yard waste All food scraps and yard waste can be composted and must be bagged in certified