Selection process for the Calgary Awards
Step 1:
Nomination period
Exception: W.O. Mitchell Book Prize nomination period September to beginning of December of the award year.
Step 2:
City Clerk’s Office (Protocol) conducts initial review of nomination packages to ensure eligibility criteria are met.
Step 3:
Juries review nomination packages and select recipients.
Jury 1:
The Community Achievement Awards and International Achievement Award
This jury has a minimum of 7 members.
Must include:
- Jury Facilitator: A City of Calgary employee with community focus.
- Event Coordinator: The lead of the Calgary Awards program from the Civic Engagement and Protocol team.
- One City of Calgary Senior Administrator (or designate) with a community focus.
- Jury member from the Mayor's Office.
May include:
- Up to 3 previous award recipients.
- Heritage Calgary.
- Representative with a Heritage focus.
- Calgary Arts Development.
- Citizen community representative.
City Clerk’s Office recruits this jury.
Jury 2:
The Environmental Achievement Award
This jury has a minimum of 5 members.
Must include:
- Jury Facilitator: A City of Calgary employee with an environmental focus.
- Event Coordinator: The lead of the Calgary Awards program from the Civic Engagement and Protocol team.
- A Senior Administrator from Climate & Environment or an environmental-related Business Unit.
May include:
- Alberta Ecotrust.
- Sustainable Calgary.
- Post-secondary institution with an environmental program.
- BILD Calgary.
- Previous award recipients.
Climate and Environment recruits this jury.
Jury 3:
The Award for Accessibility
This jury has a minimum of 5 members.
Must include:
- Jury Facilitator: A City of Calgary employee with an Accessibility or Building Code focus.
- Event Coordinator: The lead of the Calgary Awards program from the Civic Engagement and Protocol team.
- At least one Senior Administrator (or designate) in the area of knowledge participating on this committee.
May include:
- Advisory Committee on Accessibility.
- Deaf and Hear Alberta.
- Cerebral Palsy Association of Alberta.
- Citizen - community representative.
- Vision Foundation (CNIB).
- Previous award recipients.
Community Strategies and Development, Business and Building Services recruits this jury.
Jury 4:
The City of Calgary W.O. Mitchell Book Prize
This jury has 3 members.
Must include:
- A Calgarian.
- An Albertan from outside Calgary.
- A Canadian from outside Alberta.
Writer’s Guild of Alberta recruits this jury.
Step 4:
Council approves the list of selected recipients*
*Jury member list is made available as part of the Council report.
Step 5:
City Clerk’s Office (Protocol) notifies recipients, and all nominators regarding the status of their nomination.
Calgary Awards recipient announcement