Environmental Achievement Award
The Environmental Achievement Award recognizes leadership, innovation, and action in environmental stewardship that advances the goals of the City of Calgary’s Environment Strategy.

Contributions may include: application of advanced technology; climate resilience; conservation and efficiency; local volunteer-driven initiatives; and public education.
Award criteria
Eligible nominees may be individuals or organizations. Organizations include: educational institutions, not-for-profit organizations, and Calgary-based businesses and corporations (including Crown corporations) with local operations. See eligibility requirements for more criteria.

Nomination questions
- Provide a brief description of the environmental achievement(s). Maximum 3,000 characters including spaces.
- Select the community environmental goal(s) from page 6 of Calgary’s Environment Strategy that the achievement(s) aligns with. Check all that apply.
- Natural and healthy ecosystems
- Watershed management
- Clean air
- Zero waste
- Sustainable transportation and land use
- Climate change and energy
- Briefly describe how the achievement(s) aligns with the goal(s) selected above. Maximum 6,000 characters including spaces.
- Describe how success of the achievement(s) has been measured and any plans to expand, share or scale up beyond the original scope. Maximum 6,000 characters including spaces.
- Please summarize the key points in your previous answers to be used as a basis for your nominee’s biography in our promotional materials. Summary should include the main leadership characteristic of the nominee, their top 3 achievements related to this award category, and the positive impact their work has had on Calgary and its communities. (Required) Max. 1700 characters.
In your application, attach supporting information. For example, data, graphs, measurements, survey results, etc. Maximum 14 pages.
Contact us
For more information:
Climate & Environment, email environment@calgary.ca
Calgary Awards, email calgaryawards@calgary.ca