Arena last minute booking
Available across all 19 City-operated ice rinks, last-minute ice bookings are booked in one-hour increments subject to availability.
Bookings can be made online from 24 hours to three days in advance.
Arena locations and features
N.W. Arenas
Location | Features |
N.E. Arenas
Location | Features |
S.W. Arenas
Location | Features |
S.E. Arenas
Location | Features |
Rental rates
Fees include access to the dressing room(s) 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after your rental time. A no-charge 30-minute time slot will be added to the end of your booking to allow for maintenance.
Fees are due at the time of booking.
Duration | Fee |
1 hour | $99 (non-refundable) |
Prices include GST.
A $5.75 risk management fee is applied to each permit.
Please review payment options, facility rules and regulations and other important information.
Availability & booking
You can preview future available ice times on our ice availability schedule.
Tip: Being flexible on the date, time and arena location will increase the options for ice rink availability.
There are no cancellations for last-minute ice bookings and they are non-refundable.
Groups booking ice may be bumped out of Max Bell or Father David Bauer on short notice. The City reserves the right to revise or cancel permits at any time.
Arena rules and rental terms
The City of Calgary strives to promote a positive experience for all. Arena users are expected to act safely, reasonably, and respectfully.
Rules and regulations apply to all arena users and help create a safe, responsible, and respectful environment. You will be asked to accept them during the application process. Failure to comply may result in a loss of arena privileges.
General expectations
- Put garbage in the receptacles provided.
- Keep food and beverages off the ice and player boxes (water bottles permitted).
- Report all accidents, injuries and incidents to facility staff.
- Leave pets at home.
- No one is to be on the ice while the ice resurfacer is being operated. Ice can be accessed once the ice resurfacer gates are closed.
- Children under the age of eight must be accompanied by a person 14 years and older.
These are not allowed at the arenas
- Pre-game or practice warm-ups in the common areas, such as running on header trenches, stair climbing in the stands or calisthenics.
- Shooting of pucks, balls or other objects in the arena common areas, select locations may have a designated spaces where signage indicates.
- Swearing or offensive language.
- Excessive noise makers.
- Sale or distribution of food or beverages, goods and services.
- Unauthorized raffles or lotteries are not permitted in City facilities.
- Spitting/chewing of tobacco products or sunflower seeds.
- Anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be refused entry or will be removed from the premises.
- Possession and/or consumption of vaping, smoking or alcohol is strictly prohibited including in locker rooms.
Note: Groups/Individuals are responsible for any damage they cause to the facility.
Alcohol and cannabis consumption – zero tolerance
The City of Calgary in accordance with City Bylaws has established a zero alcohol and cannabis environment at City facilities. We ask for your support as we do our best to provide safe and enjoyable family environments at all City-owned facilities.
If organizations fail to comply with the guidelines they will be contacted by a City of Calgary representative and advised of the non-compliance. By agreeing to the terms of your ensuring that all league members are aware of the guidelines.
The Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis Act, Section 89 provides that no person may use or consume liquor in a public place or any place other than a residence, temporary residence, licensed premises or any other place as prescribed in the regulations.
Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis Act, R.S.A. June 17, 2020
Public Place
89(1) Except as provided in this Act, no person may use or consume liquor in a public place or any place other than a residence, temporary residence, licensed premises or a place or class of place prescribed in the regulations where liquor may be used or consumed.
The City of Calgary in accordance with City Bylaws has established a zero alcohol and cannabis environment at City facilities. We ask for your support as we do our best to provide safe and enjoyable family environments at all City-owned facilities.
This Act 89(1) applies to all arenas, athletic parks, pools, playfields, parking lots and multi-purpose facilities.
Fines for not complying with Bylaw # 23M2018 smoking or vaping in public spaces is $100 (Cannabis) $115.00 (Alcohol or intoxication)
Some exceptions are:
- Festivals/Events booked through Recreation with approval/license from The Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC) agency and paid security.
- Private adult events booked through an Athletic Park Special Event Application Form, with proof of AGLC approval/license. Security is provided for the duration of the event at a cost of $25 per hour per security guard. Security volunteers are not permitted.
- Concessions with an AGLC license to sell alcohol.
Zero tolerance is in full effect and actions will be taken for organizations and or individuals who do not abide.
For organizations or individuals that would like to request Alcohol on site please apply through the special event application process
Last-minute ice renewal rights
Last minute ice bookings do not qualify for renewals.
Payment options
Payment is due at the time of booking. We accept:
- Credit cards
Visa, MasterCard and American Express are accepted. You can pay by phone during regular business hours or online using the same email address listed on your rental permit. - Visa debit cards
You can pay by phone during regular business hours or online using the same email address listed on your rental permit.
Facility rental terms and conditions
R 1518 (R2008-11) B
The conditions listed below apply to the use of the facility for which this permit is issued. Facilities managed by the Calgary Board of Education and the Calgary Catholic Separate School Division #1 may have additional regulations which are established by the respective School Board and which if applicable are attached.
The City of Calgary Bylaws govern appropriate activities and behaviour in parks and facilities, and all renters are required to abide by these bylaws and their regulations. These bylaws may be found at In addition, regulations and requirements laid out in the permit Conditions of Use section, permit Additional Notes section and the following apply:
1. Changes to Permits (by the customer)
Once a permit has been issued, any amendments made by the renter involving the cancellation of time(s) and/or date(s) will result in an administrative fee of $10 plus GST/10 bookings/permit. Notification to The City of Calgary Facility Bookings must be received in writing within a minimum of:
- 30 (thirty) calendar days in advance of the rental date for all facility types. Christmas, Spring/Easter breaks, additional time will be required. Please call 403-268-3800, option #2 to determine the timeline affecting your permits.
- 7 (seven) calendar days in advance of rental date for Picnic Sites.
- No cancellations or refunds permitted for Spring/Summer (April 1 – August 31) arena bookings.
- No cancellations or refunds permitted for E Class playfields once season starts (April 15)
Failure to observe these timelines will result in the renter being charged the full cost of the rental.
2. Changes to Permits (by The City of Calgary)
The City of Calgary reserves the right to cancel or amend this permit in advance of the date should special circumstances arise. In these circumstances, a full credit or refund will be made to the renter (or alternate date(s) provided where possible).
3. Credits and Refunds Related to Weather/Maintenance
- Credits or refunds will be processed automatically for Athletic Park and Calgary Soccer Centre closures.
- Credits or refunds for inclement weather will not be issued for D class playfields, Picnic sites and Tennis courts.
- Credits or refunds will not be issued for E-class playfields.
4. Behaviour of Rental Party
I agree that as the person in whose name this permit has been executed that:
- I am responsible for the actions of those who use the facility during the time of rental;
- I will pay for the reasonable costs of any damage caused to the facilities by my actions or the actions of those who use the facility during the time of rental;
- I will take reasonable steps to ensure that no unauthorized persons enter the facility during the time of rental;
- I will indemnify and save harmless The City of Calgary and/or the Calgary Board of Education and/or the Calgary Catholic Separate School District #1 from and against all actions, causes of action, suits, demands, payments, judgments or settlement, including solicitor client costs which arise from my use or the use of the facility by those I represent, except where such actions arise from the negligence of The City of Calgary, the Calgary Board of Education or the Calgary Catholic Separate School District #1.
This permit may be cancelled at any time if, in the opinion of The City or School Board, the conduct of those using the facility is not satisfactory.
5. Insurance
Organizations or individuals renting facility space through The City of Calgary are required to carry general liability insurance acceptable to the Risk Management section of the Law Department in an amount of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) inclusive limit for any one occurrence and such insurance shall include the City of Calgary and the respective School Board as additional insured. This insurance must not have a participant’s exclusion.
6. Ticket Sales, Liquor Events, Gambling, Smoking
Organizations charging admission to events in City facilities are responsible for ticket sales; The City may take a percentage of any gate admissions charged to participants. No gambling is permitted. Liquor may only be consumed where a permit has been obtained and in space designated for its consumption. The Calgary Board of Education and the Calgary Separate School District do not permit any alcohol in schools. Smoking is not permitted in any facility.
7. Unauthorized use
No permit holder may assign or sublet their interest in a City or School Board facility.
8. Personal information
The personal information collected in the process of issuing this facility rental permit is obtained under the authority of Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and is necessary for operating a program or activity of this public body.
Further, this information may be used for marketing purposes specifically related to programs or services delivered directly by The City of Calgary Recreation and will not be sold or shared with any individual or organization, except with the consent of the individual or organization, or as required by law. If you have questions about the collection and use of this information, please contact Facility Bookings at 403-268-3800, Option 2.
ISC: Unrestricted