Proposed bylaws and documents for public viewing

Certain proposed bylaws and other documents can be viewed before they appear in a Council meeting agenda. Alberta law requires the public viewing of the documents. The documents can include:

Proposed land use bylaws

To view proposed land use bylaws, see public hearing on planning matters.

Proposed Charter bylaws

The City of Calgary is a Charter City. The City can pass a Charter bylaw to change some items in the Municipal Government Act. Council must hold a public hearing for proposed Charter bylaws. The public must be notified of the public hearing. The proposed bylaw must be available for public viewing.

View proposed Charter bylaws under Upcoming Meetings.

Proposed control of corporations documents

City Council can pass a resolution to control a corporation. Council must hold a public hearing before passing a resolution. At least 30 days before the hearing, people can view:

  1. the services the corporation intends to provide, 
  2. the names of the shareholders of the corporation, 
  3. the areas where the corporation provides services, 
  4. a projected rate structure when utility services are provided, and 
  5. the market impact analysis in any business plan.

View proposed control of corporations documents under Upcoming Meetings.

Upcoming and past meetings

Contact information

For questions about public viewing of documents, contact:

City Clerk’s Office
Phone: 403-268-1201
