IFTP Evaluation
We are aiming to include up to nine (9) designs in our catalogue. To help us determine which designs will be featured in our Catalogue, we have created IFTP Design Evaluation Criteria. The Design Evaluation Criteria was determined using the City of Calgary Urban Design Guidelines, the Municipal Development Plan. and supported by the strategic direction in the Calgary Climate Strategy – Pathways to 2050.
Infill Fast Track Program 1.0 design goals
Through the Design Evaluation Criteria our aim to have the featured designs incorporate as many of the following elements as possible:
- Place: Recognize and enhance the unique and emerging identity of a place by responding to surrounding context, local policy, and community objectives through the contribution of innovative architecture and public realm.
- Scale: Ensure appropriate transitions between building masses and adjacent places; define street and open space edges and bring human scale through articulation, materials, details and landscaping.
- Amenity & Livability: Ensure that public sidewalks and gathering spaces are generously proportioned, comfortable, safe, fully accessible, and framed by permeable facades which allow for activation throughout the year. Ensure the dwelling units have good livability with access to view and sunlight.
- Legibility: Create logical, permeable networks of streets and pathways that prioritize active movement modes and connect within and between neighbourhoods and public places; design buildings with well-defined entrances and distinctive, memorable attributes.
- Vibrancy: Ensure that new developments are configured and designed to animate streets and public spaces with varied sizes and types of grade-oriented uses.
- Low-Carbon Climate Resilience: Ensure projects contribute to lower utility costs, reduce risks from climate related hazards, and support low-carbon and climate resilient choices for future occupants.
Who are the evaluators
A panel of City of Calgary staff will review the submission based on IFTP Design Evaluation Criteria. The reviewing panel will comprise of City Planners (RPP), Professional Engineer (APEGA); and an Urban Design Professional, Architect (AAA) and LEEDS Professional. IFTP Design Evaluation Criteria is available on the webpage for transparency.
Contact us
For more information, please email InfillFastTrack@calgary.ca.
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Related links
Additional details on the evaluation criteria can be found on the IFTP 1.0 Evaluation Criteria PDF.