Elections Calgary

2025 CCSD By-election: at the voting station

Each voting station is accessible and offers voting assistance to those who need it.

What can I expect when voting?

Step 1: Voter identification

Show one of the acceptable forms of ID to confirm your name and address.

Step 2: Voter statement

Sign the voter statement to confirm that you are eligible to vote in the by-election. Copies will also be available at the voting stations. 

Step 3: Marking and returning your ballot

Once you receive your ballot, go behind a privacy booth to mark your choice for CCSD school trustee. The election worker will give you instructions on how to fold your ballot after you’ve voted.

Deposit your folded ballot into the secure ballot box. 

Voter checklist

Tell us how we did (optional)

After you have voted, tell us about your voter experience.

An online survey link will be available in mid-January.

Note: The survey is not an exit poll and will not ask you to share how you have voted.


To be appointed as a scrutineer, an individual must:

  • Be at least 18 years old.
  • Not have been convicted of an election-related offense under the Local Authorities Election Act, Election Act (Alberta), Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure Act or the Canada Elections Act in the last 10 years.

Scrutineers are appointed by a candidate using the Scrutineer Appointment Form. The form is completed and signed by the candidate before the scrutineer visits the voting station.

A scrutineer keeps the signed form with them and shows it to the Presiding Deputy Returning Officer (PDRO) at each voting station they visit.
