Transit-oriented development (TOD)

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What is the Transit-oriented development (TOD) program?

Transit-oriented development (TOD) is the planning, design, and building of development centered around rapid transit stations.

While TOD follows some basic principles of design, scale, and function, it can be distinctive from location to location based on a variety of factors.

In some locations, TOD might take the form of high-rise towers and high levels of activity while in other locations, TOD might feature low- to mid-rise buildings and a more moderate level of activity.

We also want to collaborate with community organizations, social service providers, and other non-profit groups so we can strive for TOD that supports all Calgarians.

Benefits of Transit-oriented development

TOD is about contributing to a high quality of life across Calgary by creating vibrant, active and interesting neighbourhood centres where people and businesses thrive.

New development will provide the opportunity for more people to live, work and shop within walking distance of public transit.

And that means more citizens and visitors will have an easy, accessible and economical way of living and travelling in our city.

Our process

Active projects

Station area evaluation summary background

The Transit-oriented development (TOD) Implementation Strategy, approved by Calgary City Council in December 2019, proposed a 4-part action plan that included the completion of a station areas evaluation. The station areas evaluation included:

  • An analysis of data related to criteria including development potential; growth and change; local amenities; and TOD readiness;
  • Circulation of a preliminary list to City of Calgary departments to review and identify existing or planned investments near transit stations; and
  • A site-specific market review of short-listed station areas by a real estate and development consultant

The resulting list of station areas differentiates where TOD projects are most likely to be initiated in the short term (within 8 years) from locations that may take more time for market conditions to mature.

It serves as a guide to direct additional planning work and City-led investments in public realm and utility upgrades that support private investment in TOD.

Additional resources


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