Transit-oriented development (TOD)
Benefits of investing in Transit-Oriented Development
Successful TODs make life better in Calgary by creating lively and fun neighbourhood centres where people and businesses can do well. This means more people in Calgary will have an easy, affordable, and convenient way to live and travel in our city.
More housing options
Well-planned TOD offers different types of homes that suit the needs of a wide range of people, helping ensure everyone in Calgary has a safe place to live.
Easier access to transit
By planning more development close to transit stations, TOD means more Calgarians will have a convenient way to live and travel in our city.
Better streets, pathways, and parks
TOD includes streets, pathways and parks that feel safe, provide convenient ways to get around and provide places that bring neighbours together.
Support for local businesses and jobs
TODs draw more people and activity to local streets, helping local businesses thrive and support new jobs.
Reduced carbon footprint
Since TOD mixes housing, services and amenities close to transit, it means Calgarians will be able access more of their daily needs by foot, bicycle and transit.
Support for high-quality transit
When more people have convenient access to transit, ridership increases. And that means more support for high-quality transit services. It’s a virtuous circle.
Stronger communities
Well-planned TOD means neighbourhood hubs with a mix of uses, places and spaces where people can live, work and connect.
Improved social equity
TOD provides more Calgarians, regardless of income, age or background with convenient access to goods, services, jobs, schools and healthcare.
What does the TOD Program do?
The TOD Program, together with the Main Streets Program and the Established Area Growth and Change Strategy, plans and directs investments that enhance public spaces and infrastructure in established communities as they grow and change.

Where is The City investing?
We're enhancing your community to support the future of Franklin.
We're enhancing public spaces in Ramsay-Inglewood to support future TOD.