Investing in established communities
Revitalized public spaces make neighbourhoods better places to live.
The Established Area Growth and Change Strategy invests in places and spaces in neighbourhoods to help meet the needs of each community.
Through this Strategy, we fund improvements to public spaces in neighbourhoods which are in their renewing stage. We also plan for public space improvements to support a growing and changing Calgary.
Public space improvement projects
Projects funded through the Strategy fall into three groups:
- Streetscape improvements: This includes slowing down traffic, adding new sidewalks and pathways, and making intersections safer.
- Parks and open space improvements: This includes developing and upgrading public parks and adding playgrounds, picnic tables and benches. It also involves making fields better for use.
- Partnership projects: This includes working with Calgary neighbourhoods and Business Improvements Associations. These projects improve how people move to and from, and spend time in, important neighbourhood spaces like retail areas. These projects improve plazas, community gardens, some playgrounds, and public art.
These projects help people who live or spend time in the area. They make it easier to get around and create comfortable spaces.
Investing in established communities projects map
See this interactive map to see updates on public realm investments happening in established communities.
Launch the interactive mapPublic space projects
Learn more about projects that are active, complete and underway.
Helping people be more active and get around easier.
Making it easier to walk and bike, and upgrading parks and recreation areas.
Improving active modes connections near the Bridgeland LRT Station.
Upgrading streets and public areas in Sunnyside, Hillhurst, West Hillhurst, and Kensington Village.
Slowing down traffic, adding missing sidewalks, and improving parks.