Neighbourhood Streets - Rosehill Drive N.W.
Project Update – November 2023
Construction of traffic calming improvements being made as part of the Neighbourhood Streets Program in Rosemont is now complete.
The traffic calming improvements were installed throughout the community to improve pedestrian access, reduce vehicle speeding and improve overall safety for all roadway users.
Thank you to the community for your patience during construction and for providing feedback on these improvements.
For any questions or concerns, please email the project team.
Project overview
The City of Calgary was testing a Neighbourhood Streets pilot policy, with the goal of creating streets where neighbours of all ages and abilities can connect and have access to safe travel options. The policy was approved by Council in July 2022.
This project includes:
- Engaging with residents, Rosemont Community Association, and Rosemont School to:
- identify and prioritize areas where changes are needed
- test and validate changes made on streets
- Installing temporary traffic calming curbs along Rosehill Drive N.W. to improve safety by narrowing the street, reduce pedestrian crossing distance, and provide a protected, visible space to wait before crossing.
- Public engagement to evaluate the effectiveness and impacts of the traffic calming measures.
- Installing pedestrian improvements and traffic calming measures, based on feedback, data, prioritization and resources.
Project History
Phase 1: Identification – 2019 to 2020
- This project was initiated by the Rosemont Community Association in 2019 with a focus on improving pedestrian crossings on Rosehill Drive at Rosewood Road N.W.
- In 2020, The City designed traffic calming measures using temporary materials at each of the intersections along Rosehill Drive N.W. The design narrowed the crossing distance for pedestrians, helping make pedestrians more visible and exposed to traffic for a shorter distance. Further, narrowing driving lanes is proven to lower speeding.
Phase 2: Prioritization – Fall 2021
- In September 2021, curb extensions were installed at four locations along Rosehill Drive. Curb extensions help narrow the street, reducing vehicle speeds. Curb extensions reduce the crossing distance for pedestrians, decreasing the time and distance they are exposed to vehicle traffic. They provide a protected space further into the roadway, making pedestrians more visible, and allowing them to check for oncoming vehicles more easily.
- In November 2021, public engagement was held to understand the effectiveness and impacts of the temporary installation. See the What We Heard Report.
Phase 3: Evaluation – January to February 2022
- Public engagement on detailed designs for permanent traffic calming measures ran from Jan. 24 to Feb. 7, 2022. Feedback from the that engagement can be found in the What We Heard Report.
- Key takeaways from public engagement include general support for the proposed traffic calming solutions, specifically for the speed humps. We also heard general appreciation about the accessibility improvements and efforts to reduce shortcutting traffic. Feedback received also showed lack of support for the proposed measures, with cost and parking impacts as main concerns.
Addressing what we heard
The following summarizes the range of input we received, grouping feedback into themes, and how the project team is addressing the feedback into the design of the permanent measures:
Comment theme: Additional curbs on north side of Rosehill Drive to further narrow the roadway / intersection(s)
We added a curb extension to the north side of Rosehill Drive; it is a logical way to narrow the corridor and compliments the curb extensions on the south side. We made a temporary curb extension on the south side permanent and removed one to mitigate drainage concerns.
Comment theme: Requests for pedestrian flashing lights or raised crosswalks
What we are doing: After addressing the intersections, the crossings along Rosehill and Roselawn do not warrant pedestrian activated flashing lights at this time. There have also been inquiries about fluorescent border crosswalk signs and high visibility signpost sleeves. The high visibility signpost sleeves are only used along major roads at this time. The fluorescent border crosswalk signs are currently part of a pilot, so this option would be determined at a future date.
A raised crosswalk at Rosehill Drive at Rosewood Road was explored but not moved forward because a gap is required on either end to allow for drainage toward the catch basins. A gap would become a hazard for pedestrians and a grate to cover that gap is not feasible to maintain in the long term due to corrosion and rust issues.
Comment theme: Concerns that curb extensions or speed humps impact on-street parking
We minimized the number of curb extensions along Rosehill Drive and Roselawn Crescent to reduce on-street parking impacts wherever possible. Parking is permitting overtop a speed hump.
Comment theme: Concerns that curb extensions or speed humps will impact drainage
Drainage issues stem from a lack of catch basins along the corridor and, intense freeze-thaw cycles causing pooling where there is minimal slope to carry the water to the nearest catch basin. To avoid exacerbating drainage issues, we minimized the number of curb extensions along Rosehill Drive and Roselawn Crescent. Speed humps are designed in a way to allow for drainage along the curb.
Comment theme: Concerns that there is not enough being done to improve pedestrian visibility.
We restricted parking near some of the pathway crossings and new wheelchair ramps, to improve pedestrian visibility.
Comment theme: Requests for additional speed humps along Roselawn Crescent
We were able to add two additional speed humps along the east leg of Roselawn Crescent.
Comment theme: Requests to repave Roselawn Crescent
Repaving this corridor is outside of the scope and budget for this project.
Comment theme: Requests for posted speed signage and enforcement.
The posted speed limit for all residential streets is 40 km/hr. Posted speed limit signs on residential streets is not protocol at this time. Residents and community members can request enforcement through Calgary Police Service.
Student Involvement
In spring 2021, two classes from Rosemont School participated in the project. The benefits of student involvement includes:
- Giving students the chance to see how communities evolve over time and that students can influence positive change in their neighbourhood
- Blending student perspectives into the project to help build understanding among neighbours on the diversity of travel needs in a community
- Students participated in two field trips to measure their experience on Rosehill Drive and to measure the possible benefits of planned changes.
March 2021
On March 26, 2021 students evaluated the street using a tool that has been adapted from the Gehl Institute Public Life Tools. The evaluation, called Rate my Walk, includes 43 yes / no questions and an assignment for students to share their “funniest, scariest and best wish” for the street. At a high level, the students shared:
- You can have a conversation with the person walking with you and hear them (38 yes, 3 no)
- Do you think people driving can see you? (6 yes, 37 no)
- Does it feel safe to cross the street? (13 yes, 30 no)
- Their top three wishes for the street included:
- adding colour
- making it safer to bike
- slowing the cars
- View the full Walk Audit results here
- View the Visual Exploration results here
April 2021
On April 9, 2021 students returned to the street to measure the impact of traffic calming built using chalk and pylons. Their assignments included:
- Empathy - Looking at the street through the eyes of someone else by choosing a real or imagined person and developing them in an empathy exercise. View the wide range of lenses the kids tried on to evaluate beyond their own experience.
- Street Vibes - Thinking about the vehicle speeds and sharing the estimated and measured (their teachers used a radar gun) travel speeds. While the results aren’t uniform, it’s clear that most students feel unsafe as vehicle speeds started to exceed 40 km/ hr.
- Street Lab - Students were asked for their opinions on the street lab and whether it made a difference to how they experienced the street. Findings show there is strong agreement that cars were slowing and that students felt safer and more welcome.
- Problem Safari - students were sent on a “problem safari” to see what other needs might have been missed and should be considered. Some of the issues they raised included speeding, cars not stopping at crosswalks, and the need for art or colour.

- Hunch - students were asked to have a hunch of what we could try. Again, the groups talked about colour, accessibility and safety for people biking.

Frequently Asked Questions
Why are you doing this project?
To respond to a community traffic calming request and ongoing conversations with the Rosemont Community Association, The City selected Rosemont to pilot the Neighbourhood Streets Policy.
When will I see changes in my community?
Rosemont residents saw temporary traffic calming measures installed in the fall of 2021. Permanent measures were installed in fall 2022 and summer 2023.
How much will this project cost?
The improvements we made in 2023 cost approximately $150,000. Traffic calming and small pedestrian enhancements are generally a cost-effective way to help residents be active and explore their community using different travel choices.
What is a neighbourhood street?
A neighbourhood street is a street you might live on or the one near you with local shops and your closest bus stop. There is a lot of activity that belongs on neighbourhood streets like moving, connecting with neighbours and gardening or mowing the lawn. Neighbourhood streets work well when everyone can move safely and comfortably.
What are liveable streets?
A liveable street is a street that is safe, welcoming to all ages, comfortable for a variety of travel choices, supportive of fun and healthy lifestyles, and enhancing for local destinations through appropriate public amenities.
How will The City advertise this to the residents?
We typically find the best ways to reach all residents is through a combination of signs, direct mail, and social media advertising (Facebook & Twitter). We have been working closely with the Rosemont Community Association with communications pieces too.
Project timeline
- 2018/19 – Rosemont Community Association initiated the project
- 2020 - Designs developed for traffic calming using temporary materials at each of the intersections along Rosehill Drive N.W.
- Spring 2021 – Walk Audit and Street Lab with Rosemont School students to test and validate temporary measures before installing
- Fall 2021 – Temporary traffic calming measures installed, followed by public engagement to understand effectiveness and impacts.
- Early 2022 – Public engagement on potential permanent traffic calming measures.
- Spring 2022 – Detailed design of permanent measures.
- Fall 2022 – Summer 2023 – Construction
- Fall 2023 – Construction complete
This work was done in partnership with the Rosemont Community Association.
Contact us
To learn more about the project or give feedback, please contact 311 or email the project team below: