Fire Prevention Week
Smoke alarms are the first line of defense in a fire.
You have less than two minutes to get out if there’s a fire in your home, so working smoke alarms are essential!
Approximately three out of five fire deaths happen in homes with either no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms.
These three important actions will make sure your smoke alarms are working to keep your family safe.
- Install smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside each sleeping area and on every level of your home, including the basement.
- Test smoke alarms at least once a month by pushing the test button.
- Replace smoke alarms when they are 10 years old or don’t respond when tested.
Make sure your smoke alarms meet the needs of everyone in your household, including those with sensory or physical disabilities. These can be alarms with strobe lights or assistive alerting signals such as sound alerts at lower frequencies or bed shakers that alert you through vibrations when the alarms sound. *
If your smoke alarm sounds, get out of your home as quickly as possible, close the doors behind you, then phone 911.
* Deaf or hard of hearing people requiring financial assistance may qualify under the Calgary Fire Department Home Safety Program for an assistive alerting/signaling device at no cost (supplies are limited). Please contact the CFD Community Safety Team at for more information.

Other resources
Smoke alarms, when properly installed, tested and maintained, provide the best early warning system in the event of a house fire. Detection and warning of smoke and fire saves lives and reduces damage to homes and personal belongings.
Make sure your home is safe so that you are prepared in the case of an emergency.
You should develop a Home Escape Plan with your family so that everyone knows what to if there is ever a fire in your home. Please see all the elements you'll need to complete your home escape plan.