Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 1 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. Learn more about what you can do during this stage.

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2024 Call for Older Adult Advisory Table (OAAT) volunteers opens mid-August

The Older Adult Advisory Table (OAAT) provides first-hand experience and insight on living as an older adult, caregiver or someone looking to the future in Calgary. This expertise is used to inform and support strategic and action planning by the Age-Friendly Calgary Steering Committee, projects, and also helps to shape City programs and services.

OAAT is composed of 14 members as determined through a selection process. This process is structured to ensure that a range of voices, backgrounds and experiences have been included in the table.

The 2024 application details will be shared soon.

Apply to be an OAAT volunteer

Your role as a volunteer:

  • Inform and support strategic and action planning of the Seniors Age-Friendly Strategy in an advisory capacity 
  • Provide the perspective of older adults to help make Calgary more age-friendly
  • Share ideas and perspectives from your personal networks or social groups with OAAT
  • Bring OAAT ideas and perspectives back to your personal networks or social groups
  • Share information about Age-Friendly Calgary (AFC) with people you know and support the vision of AFC 


  • Aged 45 or over
  • Live in Calgary
  • Passionate about your community 
  • Understand older adults’ needs now or in the future/ have experience as a caregiver 
  • Feel comfortable to share and to provide feedback in a group setting
  • Commit to take part in monthly meetings and a two-year term

For questions, please email or call 311.
