News articles and stories about the Youth Employment Centre.

Client testimonials

I found out about YEC through my Youth Support Worker in 2017 during my first year of University. At the time, I was employed by a coffee shop who refused to pay me based on the operator’s financial issues. Unpaid and effectively unemployed, I felt unsure about looking for a new job. My confidence in my ability to navigate the workforce successfully had been broken.

The first thing I noticed entering the YEC was the bright, welcoming atmosphere which as it turns out, reflects the attitude of YEC employees. I spoke with a counsellor about which job boards to apply through, interview preparation skills, and programs offered through the YEC. We discussed what I wanted in a job, certifications I might need, and what work experience I had. I learned about who I am and who I want to be as an employee by talking with my counsellor. Walking out of his office, I felt I was carrying a box full of new tools to help me become more of an independent adult. In other words, I left the YEC feeling full of optimism about my new job search! Soon after my visit I used my newfound confidence to find employment at my current job.

My second visit to the YEC was in August 2019. I’d not been getting enough hours at work and I was struggling to pay rent. Tuition fees were coming up and the thought of having to support myself brought up anxiety once again. My Youth Support worker told me about the YEC scholarship. We went together to the YEC headquarters to renew my file in order to meet the qualifications. Just like last time at the YEC, I felt welcomed and supported immediately!

My meeting with (the employment counsellor) was enlightening to say the least! I’d thought my resume was “good enough,” but (the employment counsellor) gave me such helpful, constructive advice on how to tailor my resume to the job I want. I’d like to work in the education field, so we focused my resume on a tutoring position. I learned about the advantage of having an objective on my resume and where to put relevant information. It felt really good to hear her say I was a natural leader- she gave me validation and confidence in myself! I was ready to apply for any job! I feel so taken care of at the YEC. My counsellor gave me her card and told me I could connect with her any time I needed help with my job search. I hadn’t realized how personal my experience at the YEC could be. Coming from a smaller town I wasn’t used to such a strong support network available to the public! I think it’s awesome that YEC counsellors can proofread my resume and even do a practice interview for me! (The employment Counsellor) gave me the impression that she really cared, like a good teacher or an auntie, which made me feel like I could reach out to her whenever the situation calls for it.

Each time I visit the YEC I learn something new about the workforce, the community, and myself. I would recommend it to any youth in Calgary who need support and- what I would call- a life vest. The YEC helps keep me afloat and keeps me from feeling helpless. I can be sure when I walk out of the YEC, I’ll be more prepared, professional, and confident than when I walked in! Thanks, YEC.

-Laura R, YEC Client

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