How to safely dispose of paint and paint cans
Safely dispose paint and paint cans at a household hazardous waste drop-off location for free:
- Designated fire hall
- City Eco Centre – if you bring with other garbage, charges will apply.
This also includes:
- Alkyd, latex and oil-based paints
- Lacquers, stains and varnishes
- Paint thinners, strippers and solvents
- Wood preservatives
How do I prepare paint and paint cans?
- Liquid paint must be sealed in the original can or another spill-proof container with the contents clearly labelled.
- We accept all paint cans including dried out paint and empty cans.
- We accept up to 20 litres of household chemicals per week.
- Never flush chemicals down your toilet, sink or drain as they harm the environment and may damage the pipes in your home.
Commercial amounts of paint
If you are a commercial painting business, see Commercial Paint to safely dispose of your leftover volumes of commercial paint.
Household Hazardous Waste drop-off locations: