Food and vendor requirements
City Of Calgary business license requirements
Food vendors that participate in City-approved special events/festivals on City roadways, pathways or parks, do not require a City of Calgary business licence.
City Of Calgary Fire Department regulations and requirements
Setting up the cooking station
- Any cooking that may produce grease-laden vapours is only permitted under a canopy (Canopy = one wall or less).
- A maximum of two (2) cooking appliances that create grease laden vapours are permitted per 3mx3m (10’x10’) canopy.
- Canopies used for cooking shall be a minimum of three (3) metres from any other tent, building or non-cooking canopy (i.e. cooking canopies can be immediately adjacent to each other.
- Microwaves, food warmers and chafing dishes are permitted inside tents (tent = more than one wall).
- No “open flame” cooking appliances are permitted in tents.
- BBQs are not permitted under canopies or tents and must be located at least one (1) metre from the tent and protected from the general public. If a cooking appliance does not have a built in space for a propane tank, then the tank must be located three (3) metres from the appliance and secured so that it cannot tip over.
- Deep fryers and grills are to have the required number of wet chemical agent extinguishing heads for each appliance mounted in the appropriate locations so that it will extinguish a grease fire when activated.
Safety requirements
- All food trucks must have the current year’s Calgary Fire Department decal before arriving and working at any event. This ensures all vendors at city wide events are operating safely.
- One (1) commercial 2A 10BC fire extinguisher per canopy or tent is required. If creating grease laden vapours in a canopy then a K-Class Extinguisher is additionally required.
- Mobile food trailer and truck vendors must have a commercially installed ventilation canopy and suppression system that meets NFPA 96 requirements. The system must have both automatic and manual pull station activation capabilities.
- Each food vendor must have a minimum of one staff person present during the operation that has fire extinguisher training or is familiar with fire extinguisher operation. Persons who are expected to use a fire extinguisher should be made familiar with all information contained in the manufacturer’s name-plate(s) and the instruction manual. Proper operation of a fire extinguisher requires the operator to execute several basic steps in a certain sequence.
- Fire extinguishers shall be subjected to maintenance at intervals of not more than 1 year, at the time of hydrostatic test, or when specifically indicated by an inspection or electronic notification. Each portable extinguisher shall have a tag securely attached to it showing:
- The type of extinguisher
- The size of extinguisher
- The serial number of extinguisher
- The date of last annual maintenance
- The date of last recharge
- A five-year monthly inspection and annual maintenance record
- The name of the owner of the extinguisher
- The name, address and telephone number of the service agency
- The certification number of the recognized testing agency, and
- The printed name and signature of the service person
City Of Calgary building regulations requirements
- An adequate anchor system is to be provided for all temporary structures as per the product specification and proper site conditions.
- Fabric material shall meet the requirements of CAN/ULC s-109M “Standard for Flame Tests of flame resistant fabrics and Films” for all tents and canopies used in connection with public events. The certificate must be provided upon request.
- Canadian Standards Association (CSA) approved electrical powered cooking equipment is permitted.
- CSA approved propane fueled appliances are permitted.
- CSA approved heaters are permitted within a tent.
- Any CSA approved propane fueled appliances or heaters must have the propane tanks stored outside of the tent. There must be a minimum clearance of three metres from the tent and be secured so it cannot tip over.
- The food vendor and or the contractor are responsible jointly and severally with the organizer of the event for the safety during construction of the temporary structures, delivery and installation of equipment and services, as well during dismantling and removal of equipment and services.
See the Building Regulations Advisory Bulletin for more information.
City of Calgary Parks
- Propane bottles must be properly secured and placed on a protected surface to prevent turf damage.
- A fire-resistant grease proof protective surface must be placed under all BBQs and grills to prevent damage to park features. All BBQs and grills must have an operational fire extinguisher present.
- All vendors units must be self-contained and grey water collected (as per Alberta Health Services Requirements), removed, and emptied offsite at an approved facility.
- No liquid or frozen material, including beverages, ice, wastewater, paint, grease and soap, may be dumped on the site or into any bodies of water.
- All sales of food and beverages must be conducted from stationary locations. There will be no soliciting of the public by mobile salespeople.
- All vehicles must have approval from the event organizer to access and drive in the park.
- Vehicles needed for the load in/tear down may be brought to the site to drop off and/or pickup up equipment and supplies. Vehicles must be parked offsite for the duration of the event.
- Vehicles must have hazard lights flashing and must not exceed 10KM speed limit.
- If ground conditions are wet, ONLY approved vehicles to be positioned via a “plywood highway” and plywood placed under wheels to prevent damage to turf and other park features.
- Plywood or protective surface to be placed under engine to prevent damage to turf and other park features.
- No generators are permitted on City parks unless power is not available on site. (Note: The City or its approved electrical contractor can only provide power on City Park land.)
- An absorbent material (Fuel Spill Kit) must be on site in case of a generator fuel spill. A large spill will require City of Calgary Fire Department – Hazardous materials section to be called.
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Event Services #63
P.O. Box 2100 Station M
Calgary, AB, T2P 2M5
Mon - Fri, 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Other event resources
This guide is designed to help you with the application and approval process and to identify areas that may impact the planning and execution success of your event.
Learn about microgrants and subsidies that may be available for your event.
Learn about the logistics of planning an event with us.