Book and plan your event

Festivals and Events Planning a festival or event with The City

How can we help

We provide planning assistance such as obtaining permits and funding for your event if you are a private, non-profit, partner organization or group.

Before you apply

  1. The festival or event organizer must
    • be a registered legal entity in good standing as a not-for-profit, charitable or commercial organization, or business improvement area
    • have a City of Calgary myID account.
  2. The festival or event must be more than 90 days away.
  3. The festival and event manual has been reviewed.
  4. The Festival and Event Policy has been reviewed.

Changes to electrical contractor service

As of June 28, 2025, the City will no longer coordinate electrical contractors for festivals and events held on Parks land.

Events before June 28, 2025

Eligible events on Parks land will continue to receive contracted electrical services through the City, with a 50% subsidy from the Festival and Event Subsidy Program (FESP).

Events after June 28, 2025

Eligible events on Parks land will receive funding for up to 50% of their contracted electrical services. Event organizers must arrange their electrical contractor, who must meet the conditions outlined in the Festival and Event manual under "Electricity/Power Requirements."

City-qualified contractors include Sunbelt and Tamarack. If you plan on using a different contractor, please contact your Event Liaison to see if they qualify.

Electrical services provided by Parks and Open Spaces staff will remain eligible for standard Festival and Event Subsidy Program (FESP) support.

Ready to apply?

Book your festival or event

Our new online event application system was launched to streamline the process.

If you are planning to host a new event on City managed land that will involve any of the following:

  • serving alcohol
  • fireworks or other types of pyrotechnic displays
  • setting up 1 or more tents or stages with a combined area greater than 600 sq. ft.
  • utilizing roadways or sidewalks.

Book a greenspace

If your event requires booking a greenspace within a park and does not include:

  • fireworks, open flame or other pyrotechnics
  • tents, stages and/or other structures exceed a combined 600 square feet
  • alcohol sales or service.



Renewing your festival or event

Annual festivals and events are given priority when booking City land and receiving event support.

If you host an annual event, please submit your Event Opportunity Form before November 15 to indicate your intent for the following year.

Only the same dates, times, and locations for your event will be considered for renewal. If we have not received your Event Opportunity Form by November 15, your desired venue and date may no longer be available once intake for new events begins.

Festival & Events newsletter

Stay informed with updates on our services, City policies, process and permit changes, event subsidies, important deadlines, and professional development opportunities

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