Strategies, plans and policies
The Climate Strategy is our roadmap to achieving a net zero and climate-resilient Calgary.
Information about Calgary's participation on declaration of Climate Emergency
The Climate Implementation Plan describes the actions and programs in 2023-2026 across service lines that accelerate improved energy use, reduce climate risk and...
To assess climate risk on infrastructure and facilities, a framework has been developed to identify potential climate impacts and recommend measures to tackle them.
The Sustainable Building Policy guides new construction and major renovations of City-owned facilities.
The Environment Strategy outlines the goals and actions needed to protect our environment.
Educating Calgarians about all forms of electric vehicles to help us reach our net zero goals.
Learn about The City solar projects and how you can get the best out of solar energy.
Calgary needs to take action on its fair share of global emissions by improving energy use and lowering greenhouse gas emissions through achieving net-zero by 2050.
The City of Calgary's Environmental Management System (EnviroSystem) provides the framework to manage The City's environmental impacts.
Information about how we're tracking and managing the air quality in Calgary.
The City's Food Action Plan builds on community-led efforts to create a healthy, equitable and sustainable food system.
Growing food resilience in Calgary to support a strong food system for all Calgarians.