Calgary Climate Strategy – Pathways to 2050

Calgary Climate Strategy – Pathways to 2050

Our strategy

The Climate Strategy, approved by Council on July 5, 2022, guides Calgary toward two main goals. These are progressing towards net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 and becoming a more climate-resilient city.

What do we mean by net-zero emissions?

Net-zero means cutting greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible. This includes:

  • upgrading homes
  • switching to zero emissions vehicles
  • removing emissions through planting trees or other forms of carbon capture 

What does it mean to be climate-resilient?

A climate-resilient city is one that is prepared to withstand and recover from climate-related events like hailstorms and extreme heat. It is a city that can adapt to long-term climate changes like an increase in the average temperature.    

The framework

Calgarians are already improving their homes with better windows, efficient furnaces, and insulation. Many are also choosing electric and low-emission vehicles. These choices help our city move towards net-zero emissions.

We are preparing to lessen climate change’s negative effects on people, buildings, infrastructure, and nature. We’re also planning ahead to handle climate-related disruptions to City services and infrastructure. This helps ensure we can continue to provide essential services to Calgarians.

We’re working with Calgary’s building and development industries to create solutions for climate change that also reduce technology costs and provide better services for Calgarians. As funding grows and technology becomes more affordable, more people will be able to reduce their energy use and GHG emissions while making their homes and property more climate resilient.  

Showing funders we have a plan

We’re preparing Calgary for future economic changes by involving both the public and private sectors.

The Calgary Climate Strategy helps us attract funding from other orders of government and the private sector. It shows Calgary is ready to lead in climate action. We are a great place for businesses to invest and participate in the low-carbon economy.

Next steps

Research and modeling

The following research and modeling documents informed the Calgary Climate Strategy – Pathways to 2050.

Mitigation research and modeling

2021 Emissions Modelling Reference Document

This document supports Calgary’s Climate Mitigation Action Plan. It explains the 2021 Low Carbon Economy (LCE) model, an updated version of the 2018 model. This model focuses on reducing emissions in Calgary’s buildings and transportation sectors.

Climate Mitigation Best Practices White Paper: 2021

This paper captures the state of climate mitigation best practices in municipal planning.

Best Practice Study on Climate-related Building Standards

This report by Mantle Developments examines the best climate-related building standards used by Canadian municipalities. The primary goal was to identify essential elements for effective climate action. These findings will help Calgary create its own building standards. The study includes standards for new and existing commercial, residential, and institutional buildings.

Adaptation research and modeling

Climate projections for Calgary

A detailed climate model analysis to understand how climate change will continue to affect our community, infrastructure, environment, and economy in the future.

Climate Adaptation Best Practices White Paper: 2021

Reviews best practices in climate adaptation for municipal planning and helped shape Calgary’s 2022 Climate Strategy and Climate Adaptation Action Plan.

Vulnerability Risk Assessment Report

An in-depth research project that explored climate risks in Calgary. It also provided actions to strengthen the city’s climate resilience.

Natural Asset Valuation Assessment

Explores the benefits received by Calgarians from natural areas across six distinct ecosystem service categories.

Costs of Inaction: Economic Analysis of Calgary's Climate Risk

A study outlining the future economic impacts of climate change in Calgary. It provides economic reasoning and priorities for climate adaptation investments to reduce these effects.


Other supporting reference documents

Important Resources

2024 Citizen Perspectives Survey Report on Climate Change 

This survey investigates Calgarians’ opinions, preferences and attitudes around climate change impacts and action. This report presents the results of the 2024 survey on extreme weather, home energy efficiency, and climate change.

Funding climate action in the City of Calgary report

Funding climate action is difficult because there’s no single source or method. It requires a joint effort from City departments, federal and provincial governments, and the private sector. This report outlines ways Calgary can fund and support climate action. It also highlights current projects using external funding and suggests new opportunities to explore.

Climate Equity

Indigenous Perspective
