On January 28, 2025, Calgary City Council voted yes to starting Green Line construction in the southeast, yes to beginning work on the connection into the Downtown, and yes to partnering with the Province on a shared vision for Calgary’s south-to-north light rail transit line that would extend from Seton in the southeast through downtown on 2 Street S.W. and up to 160 Avenue N.
After a decade of planning, more than $6 billion in funding commitments from the City of Calgary, Province of Alberta, and Government of Canada, and almost $1.4 billion spent to date on planning, design, construction, vehicles, and land, the Green Line main construction is set to begin.
To realize this direction, the City will now work with the Government of Alberta and Government of Canada on approval of the updated Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) business case to ensure all previous commitments can be realized and invested into Calgary’s future.
More details | Read the press release

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