Completed construction
View which Green Line construction projects have been completed.
Viewing 11 articles.

Demolition of Artpoint, Mustard Seed and Green Leaf Buildings
Ramsay/Inglewood, 26 Avenue S.E., Future Station
Three buildings along the Green Line route were demolished in Fall 2024.

Beltline Downtown Utility Relocation Project (Third-party Shallow Utilities)
Grand Central Station/Event Centre, Downtown Segment
This project relocated underground, street-level and overhead utilities to make way for the Green Line.

George Moss Park redevelopment
Green Line has contributed funding towards the redevelopment of George Moss Park, located near the future Ogden station.
Victoria Park demolitions
Grand Central Station/Event Centre
Work was completed in June 2024 to demolish three buildings in Victoria Park along 11 Avenue between 5 Street and 6 Street S.E.
Lilydale poultry factory demolition
The Lilydale Poultry Plant was demolished to make way for the Green Line LRT alignment near 11 Street S.E. in Ramsay.

Beltline Downtown Utility Relocation Program (City-owned Deep Utilities)
Grand Central Station/Event Centre, Downtown Segment
This project relocated City-owned deep utilities (sanitary, storm and water) and was completed in June 2024.
North Pointe Park and Ride lot improvements
Future Station
Upgrades to North Pointe include three additional shelters, a transit-only lane and entrance, pedestrian sidewalks and new lighting.

Landfill remediation
Highfield, Ogden
Green Line removed 660,000 cubic metres of waste from old landfills in Highfield and Ogden.