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Local business feature - Village Ice Cream

Boasting some of the most unique ice cream flavours, Village Ice Cream has been serving up delectable creamy treats since 2011. Starting as a small scoop shop in Victoria Park on 10 Avenue S.E., Village has expanded operations across Calgary, with locations in Britannia Plaza, Garrison Corner, Bridgeland, and their newest location in University District.

A future Green Line station will provide seamless access to the Victoria Park location and will serve as an ideal stop to enjoy some delicious ice cream.

Billy Friley, founder of Village Ice Cream, says, “I think that these few [Green Line] stations that are just outside of downtown are absolutely critical, because these are great neighbourhoods, and neighbourhoods that have a lot of potential.” 

When Village was first established, the goal was to create a place for community members to gather and socialize. Today, all five locations thrive with comradery, especially on warm days when people sit outside to enjoy their ice cream and chat. “The overall objective was to build out neighbourhood hubs and get people out of their homes and into the neighbourhood mingling, and spending time together and enjoying Calgary’s beautiful streets and parks” says Friley.

Serving the community is a core value that Village lives by. Friley says:

“We are extremely involved in the community, and we’ve done a lot over the last decade to show our support for the neighbourhoods in Calgary, and Calgary as a whole, and I think that resonates with our customers.”
Village Ice Cream exterior
Village Ice Cream menu

In addition to its ten perennial flavours, Village constantly updates its menu with four seasonal flavours. New flavours can take months to develop from inception to completion. From sourcing the finest ingredients, to serving up the scoops, Village ensures every ounce of care is put into their craft when creating the newest taste.

The future Green Line LRT will connect commuters to the many amenities that downtown Calgary has to offer, including Village Ice Cream.

Map of Village Ice Cream location in relation to 4 Street S.E. Station.

Village Ice Cream
431 10 Avenue S.E.


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